


失业是经济增长和发展的危机。青年失业是美国目前面临的一个这样的危机。 (今日美国)他们正面临着越来越少的技能,较少的工作经验和较小的网络。 2010年毕业生失业率高达8%。由于2007年至2009年经济衰退,经济受到严重打击。住房价格受到严重打击,导致亚利桑那州和尤马等城市地区的失业率下降了23%。 (Thomas C. Frohlich和Mark Lieberman)住房市场的居民接受教育,但面临最低的失业率。这对经济学家和政策管理者构成威胁。失业也严重影响了股市。 (哈德森)除了GDP,通货膨胀率和利率等其他因素外,失业是决定经济健康的重要因素。这是宏观经济指标,是政策制定者制定政策的重要因素。微观经济学的大问题是财政倍增,实际造成失业?

货币政策影响到就业,财政政策措施也受到影响。失业是由生产功能失衡等因素造成的。失业导致经济涟漪效应。 (今日美国)经济学家认为这是经济的滞后指标。当一个人失业时,意味着他/她不缴纳税款其实将从政府中提取更多的保险。如果一个国家在经济上不稳定,就会造成违约和高额债务。股市投资者将失去对市场的信心,这将增加国家的赤字,减少税收。(美国今天)为了弥补税收损失,将提高税收的税率,付款人,这将迫使每个人以较少的节省支付更高的税。


Unemployment is a crisis for any economy’s growth and development. The youth unemployment is one such crisis that USA is facing right now. (USA TODAY) They are facing many hurdles like fewer skills, less work experience and smaller networks. Unemployment rates have been higher for recent graduates about 8% in 2010. Due to the Great Recession between 2007 and 2009, the economy was hit badly. The housing prices were severely hit and that led to unemployment in metro areas like Arizona and Yuma with 23% unemployment. (Thomas C. Frohlich and Mark Lieberman) Residents of the housing markets are educated yet are facing the lowest unemployment rates. This poses a threat to the economists and policy administrators both. Unemployment has also badly affected the stock market. Why?(Hudson) In addition to various other factors such as GDP, inflation and interest rates, unemployment is an important factor to determine the health of an economy. It is a macroeconomic indicator and is an important factor for policy administrators to formulate policies. The big issue in microeconomics is the fiscal multiplier and what actually causes unemployment?

The monetary policy affects the employment and so does the fiscal policy measures. Unemployment is caused by various factors like imbalance in the production function. Unemployment causes a ripple effect in the economy. (USA TODAY) Economists consider this to be a lagging indicator of the economy. When a person is unemployed it means that he/she will not pay the taxes in fact will extract more insurance from the government. If a country is not financially stable it will cause default and higher debts. The investors in the stock market will lose confidence in the market and that will increase the State’s deficit and reduce the tax revenue.(USA TODAY) In order to compensate for the loss in tax revenue, it will raise the tax rates for the tax-payers and that will force everyone to pay higher taxes with very minimal savings.