




Having power and using it are two very different things. There are six sources of power identified which include reward, legitimate, coercive, information, expert and referent. Reward power is the ability of a manager to grant rewards for superior performances, legitimate power is the power from one’s role or position, coercive power is the power to punish someone for contrasting actions working primarily due to fear and forcing people to do things they would ordinarily prefer not to, expert power comes from skill and knowledge, information power differs from expert power by access to information, referent power is often associated with a person’s charisma and the inspiration they draw within their team members to act like them.

The ability to convert the power one possesses into influence is very important and is achieved by employing three basic strategies: Reciprocity, Retribution and Reason. Reciprocity works on a mutual basis where the interests of both the parties gets satisfied, retribution works with the fear of punishment or retribution and reason works on the basis of a leader’s ability to persuade. Each strategy has advantages and disadvantages and hence should be applied appropriately to situations.
In case of coach Silva, he is in possession of all the powers required to successfully guide his team in to victory. What he has to take care of is the conversion of his power into influence. The veterans in the team are no longer influenced by his decisions and this has to change. Any of the three strategies can be employed for successfully turning around the team’s prospect.