


Perception is found to influence consumer behaviour it has been found that consumer perceive elements based on the sensory receptors. These sensory receptors for perceiving are the five senses (Hazen et al., 2012). Brands should create positive connotation and vibrations in order to entice the consumers. This means that SEED Company should develop a marketing strategy and deliver results that make the consumers perceive the brand to be of high quality.

Consumers have preconceived notions about brands and product. This is a new brand foraying into UK markets (Kotler et al., 2011). This is based on the precedent set by previous products for the product. Consumers perceive and relate to the brand based on this knowledge.

Retention is again based on the elements that the consumers choose to retain in their minds (McQuarrie, 2014). It is understood that the retention should be about the positives of the brand. The retention about SEED should be how the brand is in coherence with Chinese aesthetic values and cultural heritage. It should be retained that the brand symbolizes Chinese values and culture.

Consumers should be motivated to buy a certain product. Companies use a variety of models in order to connect with the target consumers (McQuarrie, 2014). The proposed model of analysis for SEED Company is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to determine motivation factor for the brand.

Motivation to make the consumers buy a product is essential to sustain. Maslow hierarchy theory states that individuals have basic physical needs. They are food clothing and shelter (Lester, 2013). These aspects are mandatory for survival. Once they have reached this stage, individuals try to form social connections with others. From this individuals want to have self-esteem. This stage is where the individual psyche is considered (Oliver, 2014). Subsequent to reaching this level self-actualization stage develops. In this stage individuals try to reach their transcendent prospective level i.e. they try to find out about he wants of their soul and seek happiness (Bunn & Ellis, 2012). For this product SEED the motivational factors that will be used are the self- esteem and the social connection motivators.

Culture defines social requirements of a brand. When international companies foray into new markets they need to understand the culture dynamics of a place. In this analysis culture of China is analyzed using Hofestede model and this is compared to the UK culture. From this insights and recommendations are generated.

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