


研究还发现,长时间使用手机的上大学的成年人患有失眠和焦虑(Jenaro, Flores和Gomez-Vela 314-315)。长期使用手机还有其他更严重的影响,比如患听神经瘤的几率,这是一种脑瘤(Lonn, Ahlbom和Hall 657)。人们也被发现在所有的组成方面变得更加冲动,如注意力冲动,运动冲动和非计划冲动,行为上瘾,如手机(Siddiqui和Ali 53)。

有几项研究指出了长时间使用手机对健康的直接和间接影响。然而,手机使用的另一个有趣的方面是它对青少年及其行为的影响。随着韩国青少年过度使用手机,网络成瘾和通过手机识别自己的行为显著增加(Ha et al. 784)。此外,他们还患有人际交往能力不足、自尊心下降和抑郁。一项针对马德里青少年社区的研究显示,手机使用与女性性别、吸烟、酗酒和学业失败等因素有很强的相关性(Sanchez-Martinez和Otero 135)。



It is also seen that college going adults who use mobile phones for prolonged periods suffer from insomnia and anxiety (Jenaro, Flores and Gómez-Vela 314-315). There are other more serious effects of long-term mobile use like odds of developing acoustic neuroma, a type of brain tumour (Lönn, Ahlbom and Hall 657). People are also found to become more impulsive in all the constituent facets like attentiveness impulsiveness, motor impulsiveness and non-planning impulsiveness with behavioural addictions like cell phones (Siddiqui and Ali 53).

There are several researches that point towards direct and indirect health effects of using cell phones for prolonged periods of time. However, another intriguing dimension of cell phone use is the effect it has on teenagers and their behaviour. With excessive cell phone use among Korean adolescents, internet addiction and identifying themselves through their phone has significantly increased (Ha et al. 784). Furthermore, they also suffer from deficient interpersonal skills, lower self-esteem and depressions. A study of adolescent communities of Madrid showed strong correlation of cell phone usage with the female gender, smoking tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption and school failure among other factors (Sánchez-Martínez and Otero 135).

Thus, there is ample evidence that excessive use of cell-phones has several health impacts. Some of these impacts are direct like the impact of electromagnetic radiations on central nervous system and brain and increased risk of brain tumour. However, other impacts are not so direct. Cell phone based behavioural addiction often spurs other types of addiction like excessive use of tobacco and alcohol and not to mention internet addiction. In terms of behavioural changes, people become impulsive and aggressive. The teens however also experience stunted development especially in terms of interpersonal interaction. They exhibit signs of depression, inability to interact with others and preference of solitude over social gatherings.

Essentially all these point towards a deficient health which seeps into other aspects of well-being, one of them being their impact on productivity.
