

美国代写论文-政党认同的发展形势。政党认同正在改变形势,帮助人民作出与投票有关的适当决定。对人民来说,重要的是他们应该在选择和确定当事方方面作出明智的决定。人们应该明白,他们应该选择一个支持社会整体发展的政党,应该努力利用一切设施,并支持它们,使可持续发展能够应用于社会。目前,人们已经认识到,他们应该选择能够帮助他们实现可持续发展的政党(Dalton, 2014)。人民群众认识到自己在党的建设中所起的作用,认识到自己应该怎样用自己的选票来管理人民。

At the present time, people have developed the understanding that they should choose the political parties which can help them in sustainability (Dalton, 2014). People have understood what role they play in party identification and how they should use their vote to manage the people. It is required that these factors should be taken into consideration while choosing political parties and these factors are selecting the parties which will help in managing the work and will ensure to provide the support system with the help to the people (Carlson, Chavez, Miramontes, Olivares & Onsurez, 2014). People have started thinking about the society in which they are living rather than thinking about self. An understanding is being developed that the people will have to move with the society and work for them. Hence, they prefer to vote the party which will help the society to grow and develop.
Values keep on changing and so the things are changing with the change in time and values of the people. People are considering values, behaviours and psychology of the parties which will work for the organization (Blackstone, 2014). Determination of the parties is done on the basis of both materialist as well as post materialist aspects. It is undertaken that the things are changing as in past time, people were prefer being given the money to vote and on the basis of the money given to them, the parties were selected by them (Elgie et al., 2017).
Time changed and now people are not depending on the money which is given to them. Now the things are changing and so the psychology of the people, as people are identifying the political parties on the basis of the work done by them rather than the money given to them for voting. Nowadays, people vote on their own will rather than the money provided to them for the voting purpose (Bartle & Bellucci, 2008).
Concept of party identification is one of the most effective concepts which could be used in the present time for the identification of the voting behaviour of the people in the country. Party identification helps in understanding the sequence of the people for making voting decision (Bakker, Hopmann & Persson, 2014). It helps in understanding what factors are taken into consideration by the people so as to identify the parties. Understanding the behaviour of people helps in initiating how help and proper support could be provided to the people so as to initiate the work and how they could be provided better and effective set of help. Parties could make the decision of attracting the people towards voting and can influence them to take a stand to select the right party which could work for them and provide relevant set of support to grow and develop in the competitive market (Heffernan et al., 2016).
Party identification is the reliable method which ensures to provide a support system to the people available in the market. It is necessary that proper measures should be applied by the parties so as to ensure that the people should undertake all the aspects of voting into consideration and support the management to vote (Adler, 2012).

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