

Feedback received from these developmental projects has raised concerns for the real estate industry. The status of the infrastructure that would be used for the redevelopment procedure will be significant in ascertaining the quality of the work. I have received the feedback that the market for real estate in Toronto is slowly beginning to go beyond the affordability limits of the people. In such a state, the market is still active due to some favourable economic conditions such as a strong market for labour. A comparatively youthful workforce and a construction sector is steady enough and due to the comparatively lower interest rates, the economic conditions are favourable in the market. I have learned from the feedback that affordability is the most meaningful indicating factor of the underlying stress in the market. From this, we get the idea that the market in Toronto is under considerable stress, but it can overcome by the help of utilization of the favourable economic conditions. Another view is that the pressure for affordability is mostly applicable for the market where there is demand from single family-homes. An important learning from the feedback is that the market in Toronto area would be sensitive to a considerable rise in the interest rates that is more than most markets in Canada.

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