


The individual, team and organizational capabilities are very much involved in leadership agility for ensuring that implications for internal and external stakeholders are both understood. Implications in the form of the business context are understood at this point. Communication is created in a way that people would be able to adapt in much more appropriate manner thus ensuring that performance levels are maintained always. Therefore, leadership agility is something that ensures to cater to changing environments in an agile manner that is fully focused on the customer as well. I would like to improve my agile leadership such that it caters to both the expectations on leadership in a traditional sense and the agile leadership expectations.
In a traditional sense, leadership is called credible when it meets the six Cs of Leadership credibility which is the conviction, care, character, composure, courage and competence (Smith et al., 1996). Conviction is the understanding, passion and the dedication that the person appointed as leader would give towards a vision. Character is defined as consistent representation of integrity, honesty and respect that makes others respect the leader as well. Composure is where the leader is composed under emotionally charged situations for the company. Composure makes the person consistent in their display of emotions, and they are usually good at handling crises situations for the company. The leader must be competent in their duties and must possess a combination of hard and soft skills that make them functionally competent. Some of the hard skills for the leader are the technological skills, the functional and the content based skills. In terms of soft skills, they are usually very strong in interpersonal communication and are flexible. Finally, the last two skills are the care giving nature and the courage of the person. The care giving nature of the person is what makes them work with genuine concern for others wellbeing. It enables them to work with more professional attributes. Courage is an attribute that could be reflective of character as well and courage is needed to stand-up for one’s convictions. Where needed, courage will be called upon to change one’s convictions as well if necessary.

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