


出售的图像不能被称为虚假,因为它们所呈现的信息并不完全是虚假的。在开放文化艺术品供公众讨论时,它们有时会相互联系,产生神话(Durham et al. 5;大厅10)。这些图像更像是神话,因此可以伪装成事实和虚构的结合,而且大多是夸大的事实(Fiske & Sullivan 471;Hebdige 120)。例如,一块土地的文化和这块土地的成功可以与一个人的成功并行呈现。能够批判地分析这些元素的观众能够理解信息是什么,另一方面,不能应用批判分析的观众能够看到为他们设计的信息。他们将土地的成功与人联系起来。“让美国再次伟大”不再被理解为政府,以及当选机构齐心协力让美国再次伟大,而是与一个人联系在一起,这个人就是特朗普。这条信息的受众随后意识到,他们需要特朗普让美国再次伟大。巴斯认为这是“意识形态滥用”(巴特11)。根据巴特的观点,意识形态滥用存在于媒介和文化中,也存在于传播中;就像正在分析的信息一样,可以看出,这种使用意识形态来连接两个不同元素的影响。“一个符号的意义可以被用作更高层次符号的能指”(巴特114)。正在分析的视频中的文字信息显示,这与特朗普有关。美国的不同方面,人民的力量等都是与个人的特朗普共同呈现的,因此这些元素往往意味着类似于对特朗普的更高理解。在显示意识形态滥用情况的竞选信息中观察到的一些神话如下。他说,“我们不会输”,“我们代表什么”。在这里,他发起了自己的竞选活动,就像他正在演讲的人民的竞选活动一样。听着竞选信息的听众认为,特朗普的战斗就是他们的战斗。这是因为向他们兜售的意识形态。


观众是一个由个体组成的集体(哈特利11;利文斯通193)。当向听众传递信息时,使用听众的语言作为一种技巧,使信息更加真实。当人们发现与自己有相似之处时,他们能够与他人建立联系(Kellner 7;伯吉斯201)。在这条竞选信息中,有很多人表达了对特朗普的支持,这些人是普通民众。因此,人们将能够更多地联系到他们的口头信息,并将发现活动更值得信任。



The images being sold cannot be called as a falsehood because the information they present would not be completely false. In opening up cultural artefacts for public discussion they sometimes interlink to produce myths (Durham et al. 5; Hall 10). The images are more like myths and hence can be disguised as a combination of fact and fiction, and mostly exaggerated facts (Fiske & Sullivan 471; Hebdige 120). For instance, the culture of a land and the success of the land could be presented in parallel with some success of a person. An audience the critically dissects these elements would understand the message for what it is, on the other hand, the audience that does not apply critical analysis would see the message as it is framed for them. They will connect success of the land with the person. “Making America great again’ ceases to be understood as the government and the elected institutions working as one to make America great again, and instead becomes associated with the person, which in this case is Trump. The audience of the message then perceive that they need Trump to make American great again. Bathes presents this as “ideological abuse” (Barthes 11). Ideological abuse is present in media and culture according to Barthes and in communication; messages as if the one being analysed, it can be seen that there is an influence of such use of ideology to connect two different elements. “The meaning from one sign can be used as the signifier of a higher order of the sign” (Barthes 114). The textual messages in the case of this video being analysed showed such connection to Trump. Different aspects of the United States, people power and more are collectively presented with the individual-Trump and hence these elements tend to signify similar such higher understanding of Trump. Some of the myths that are observed in the campaign message which shows situations of ideological abuse are as follows. He states, “we are not going to lose”, and “what we stand for”. Here he has made his campaign, as the campaign of the people he is addressing. The audience in listening to the campaign message believe that the fight of Trump is their fight. This is because of the ideology being sold to them.

Production of Message and Audience Implications

The image of the word ‘Trump’ is sold like a brand. People holding up cards in the campaign have the word Trump on them. The speaker’s podium has the word Trump. The word is presented like a brand. Instead of the party symbol, it could be argued that the name of Trump is what is presented as a brand here. How this brand affects the audience is an important an analysis as the text itself. In fact, when assessing how audience view the text, a form of reverse engineering of the method used by the campaign creator could be understood.

The audience is a collective group of individuals (Hartley 11; Livingstone 193). When conveying a message to an audience, using the words of the audience works as a technique to make the message more authentic (Livingston 193). People are able to connect with others when they perceive similarities with themselves (Kellner 7; Burgess 201). In this campaign message, there are many people showing their support for Trump, and these are the common public. People hence would be able to relate to their verbal messages more and would find the campaign more trustworthy.

Social and cultural factors play a major role in the production of messages as evident in this text. For instance, culture-based elements like representation of diverse races would be helpful in reaching out to the mainstream audience. In the case of Trump’s political campaign, it would have been necessary for Trump to reach out to a diverse segment of audience. People of different cultural backgrounds and colour are presented in the video. These people present supportive opinion of Trump and what he intends to do for the United States. Using these kinds of statements in the production of the message makes it appealing to people of different cultures and races within society.

Finally, it could be observed that throughout the media text, different television coverage of the Trump campaign is presented. Once again, this is to highlight to the audience that Trump’s campaign is significantly covered by all channels. This adds to the importance of the campaign and is useful as a marketing element as such coverage would highlight the campaign as a success.
