




Art business is fast becoming governed by contracts. Contracts formed in the art business will help alleviate the issues that are raised in art sale and resale. Some of the issues identified in the international art business are that of the issues in the authentication and appraisal of art, transfers of ownership titles, seller warranty and other provenances. In the case of China it can be seen that the art business is besieged by cases where the law is called in the mediator or arbiter role when there are disputes over the above stated issues. There have been case disputes over payments; misunderstandings have risen between dealer and seller or the artist and the gallery where they have displayed their works etc. A contract can help avoid some of these issues. A well drafted and a contract that is also open to negotiation will ensure that the buyer and the seller do not lose money in litigations transactions. National law here will certainly be very helpful in regulating the art trade. Most nations like China already have a contract law for their trade. The contract last for art business will have to be extended a little to include the unusual elements. Contract documents here would be with respect to purchase contracts, consignment contracts and more