


The three roles of organizational development practitioners as to leader for change within Mediaworks are critically evaluated in the following ways:
Entering, contracting and diagnosing: This stage will illustrate the initial set of activities that the change agent and Mediaworks must engross in to better comprehend what requires to be enhanced or facilitated. The activities will involve collection of data to recognize the problems or prospects to alter (Anderson, 2017).
Information gathering, processing and feedback: It involves a set of activities with the help of which Mediaworks will be able to comprehend the present state. This will in turn help to clearly recognize the set of intervention activities essential to develop organizational efficiency (Sanoff, 2016).
Design, implementation and evaluation: This stage follows the stage of diagnosis and feedback under which members of Mediaworks and the change agent will jointly intend interventions on the basis of the diagnostic results. This will in turn help o recognize the rationale for change and to accomplish some sense of agreement about how to move the organisation forward (Otoo, Agapitova & Behrens, 2015).
Three benchmarks for organizational development process that may be considered for future practices are outlined as follows:
Vision and goals: Every organization has a vision and mission statement that requires being up-to-date. It is considered as the most imperative benchmark for organizational development process. In other words, this benchmark will help Mediaworks to focus on what it requires to carry out.
Fundraising and resources: On the basis of yearly plan, an organization has a written fundraising plan.
Programs and campaigns: This benchmark excites the associates and other constituents. This benchmark in turn reinforces the group economically and in other methods (Goetsch & Davis, 2014).

Healthy open systems constantly exchange opinion with their surroundings, examine that opinion, regulate internal systems as required to accomplish the goals of the system and then convey essential information withdraw to the environment. The open systems model for organisational change in Mediaworks is applied and evaluated in the following way:
Boundaries: Even though all systems have boundaries, it becomes difficult to recognize those boundaries since the systems are dynamic. However, with the help of open system, Mediaworks will be able to exchange useful opinion to the employees as open systems are porous. They can easily explain the cause for laying off workers (Swinburn et al., 2015).
External Environment: Mediaworks has been exchanging their opinion with its external environment. This external environment mostly involves a broad range of requirements and influences that directly affects the organization. With the help of open system model, the organization will be able to comprehend their environments by making use of environmental scrutinizing, market research and assessments.
Outcomes: Outcomes are decisively imperative to the success of an organization. As mentioned in the case study that Successful change requires patience and direction, outcome helps to provide that direction in terms of knowledge and augmented security and stability (Berglund & Sandström, 2013).

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