



在所讨论的情况中,卢克似乎不能执行新的管理,也不会改变对新薪酬方案的决定,因为卢克和管理层之间没有任何书面合同。对这起案件的研究也强调信息隐私是必不可少的,因为如果这些信息不能泄露,卢克就不会决定或计划采取法律行动;然而,如果卢克坚持要采取法律措施,没有书面合同,他的努力就不合理。原则上,义务是自发进行的。然而,债务人错误地认为它没有运行,或者运行不好,它的义务。违规这一术语实际上意味着许多不遵守后果的行为取决于拟议的行动,因为丰田着名的“加速案例”要求这家汽车巨头向其利益相关者赔偿11亿美元(产品责任 – 产品责任改革,nd )。


In the perspective of discussed case and scenario, it should be noted that there is no any proper written contract about the updated salary package between the parties that could be highlighted as a recovery tool in the scenario; hence, in the discussed scenario that could also be taken as illustrated example there cannot be given any guarantee to compensate any type of recovery to the Luke.
It should be noted that contract remedies are executable in those scenarios where the breach of contract exists. The breach of contract is a breach of the binding force of contract, therefore, any breach will result in a penalty, and there may be binding effective only if there is a penalty. Such failure may result from a complete breach of an obligation, either a delay compared to the time or so it may be a poorly done performance.

in the discussed scenario, Luke does not seems in the position to enforce the new management, not to change its decision about the new salary package because there was no any written contract between the Luke and the management. The study of this case also highlighted that informational privacy is essential because if this information could not leaked, Luke would have not decide or plan to take legal action; however, if Luke insists to take the legal steps so, without written contract his effort will not be justified. In principle, the obligations are performed spontaneously. However, it happens that the debtor be wrong that it is not running, or it runs badly, its obligations. The term breach actually means many forms of non-compliance with the consequences vary depending on the proposed action as Toyota Famous “acceleration Case” that oblige this auto giant to compensate 1.1 billion US dollar to its stakeholders (Product liability – product liability reform, n.d).