




An analysis of the theory is very important due to several reasons. The first reason is that this theory is regarded as one of the well-known and most prominent theories of the business management which came out with a way of thinking or with a philosophical school. The association between business as a human practice and Ethics as a philosophical discipline is at stake. Secondly, it is essential to evaluate if the theory of stakeholder is likely to amend any kind of issues which it talks about (Koberg 1987). From a highly imperfect world, these are the ethical problems of which most of them attack the executives of business with regards to social responsibility. For instance, there are cases wherein the political bodies and the publicly minded government might ask the business to take up their part of the responsibility; although the firms work currently under a very stringent rules and regulations and still public clamor for better sanitation, roads, employment opportunities and education.

An inadequate explanation of the behavior of the firm is provided by the Stakeholder theory within its environment. Rendering an explanatory logic for the relationships under observation is the key to theory development (Brenner and Cochran 1991). The work of Freeman does not address the dynamics which associate the firm to identify stakeholders beyond the concept of who is affected and by whom. Several different processes are identified by him like environmental scanning, eliciting stakeholders’ maps and exchanges with stakeholders. However, there is no specific identification of the motivating force of these processes.

An incomplete link between internalities, between actors and externalities is presented by Freeman in his theory (Stieb 2009). He completely maps out the limitless association between individual actors and between these groups even though he does identify external and internal stakeholder groups. The model fails to address the complexity of the real linkages suggested in the model which states that the groups of stakeholders could be identified clearly as the separable entities. Maybe, the interest which group represent could be identifies by the stakeholder groups cannot be identifies clearly.