


波普艺术运动在英国和19603在USA.长期的波普艺术是第一次在小组讨论中使用ICA世纪50年代开始,一批艺术家对艺术与生活,在当时的正统伦敦(Livingstone,1990)。一个小团体的艺术家理查德·汉密尔顿,Eduardo Paolozzi和Lawrence Alloway谁叫他们组独立组(IG)创造了这个词。波普艺术文化在20世纪60年代传入美国,吸引了大众、大众、媒体明星。波普艺术艺术家在他们的艺术中运用了鲜明的色彩,并从好莱坞电影、漫画书、广告、流行音乐等方面得到了灵感。这样做的主要目的是为了减少所谓的“高”艺术和“低文化”之间的差距。第二次世界大战的结束,乐观主义的兴起和青年文化的增长。所有这些都催生了波普艺术。罗伊·利希滕斯坦,安迪·沃霍尔,James Rosenquist和克拉斯奥尔登堡被一些杰出的艺术家与美国波普艺术运动的流行文化相关的是巨大的鼓舞,资本主义。波普艺术艺术家使用流行的对象,如媒体和广告为他们的作品。波普艺术感兴趣的消费对象,这是公认的普通人。第二次世界大战后,消费主义、电视和电脑的使用率的提高导致了波普艺术的发展。波普艺术,而不是在精英阶层的独资,是为群众,它主张一切(世俗奢侈品)可以拥有的每个人。波普艺术运动的信念受到了资本主义的启发,它允许每个人按照自己的意愿生活,有自己的观察,给每个人过上好生活的机会。


Pop art is movement which started in 1950s in Britain and in 19603 in USA. The term pop art was first time used in a group discussion at ICA, London by a group of artists who were against the orthodoxies prevailing at that time in the art and life (Livingstone, 1990). A small group of artists Richard Hamilton, Eduardo Paolozzi and Lawrence Alloway who called their group Independent Group (IG) coined this term. Pop art culture spread to USA in 1960s and drew ideas from common as well as popular objects and media stars. Pop art artists used bright colours in their art and drew inspirations from Hollywood movies, comic books, advertising, pop music etc. The main aim of the pop artists by making such paintings was to dilute the gap between the so called “high” art and ‘low culture”.  The end of World War II saw a rise in the sense of optimism as well as a growth of youth culture. All these gave birth to pop art. Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist and Claes Oldenburg were some of the prominent artists who were associated with pop culture in USA.  Pop Art movement was hugely inspired by capitalism. Pop Art artists used popular objects like media and advertisements for their works.  Pop art had interest in consumer objects which were recognizable by common people.  A boost in consumerism, television and enhanced use of computers post World War II led to growth in Pop art. Pop art instead of being under sole proprietorship of elite class was meant for masses and it advocated everything (worldly luxuries) can be owned by everyone. This belief of Pop Art movement was inspired by capitalism which allowed everyone to live their life according to their wishes and have their own observations and gave everyone opportunities to live a good life.