


“关税与贸易总协定”(GATT)于1948年成立,以确保各国遵守公平贸易政策。它是在世界大战后创建的,目的是确保进行国际贸易的国家遵循公平的贸易惯例。世界贸易组织(世贸组织)于1995年成立,也是为了同样的目的。世贸组织扩大了GATT的功能。目前世界上有134个国家是世贸组织的成员。关贸总协定召开时约有22个国家,1994年有122个国家成为会员国。他们理解这个组织的隐含理由,并承诺遵守世贸组织规定的促进贸易和商业的规则。世界各国的发展中国家和发达国家都受益于世贸组织。 WTO的基本原则是自由和公平贸易。

WTO对GATT有一些扩大的权力和职能。从根本上说,WTO有合法的执法法律。另一方面,关贸总协定只是一个省内公认的协议,没有法律约束力。世贸组织有一项具有约束力的协议,并且所有成员都被列入常任理事国。与仅关注货物贸易的GATT协议不同,WTO在确定国际产权,通过贸易和国际投资提供的服务方面拥有发言权。其背后的主要思想是确保各国遵守规定的贸易和商业道德伦理。关贸总协定成立时没有规定为解决争端提供舞台。他们没有一个基本上可以调节争端的独立机构。 WTO的这一规定就在那里。他们有单独的机构来讨论和解决贸易国家之间的争端和问题。


The General Agreement on Trade and Tariff (GATT) was created in 1948 to ensure that the countries are following fair trade policies. It was created after the world war to ensure fair trade practices was being followed by the countries conducting international trade. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed in 1995 also for the same purpose. The WTO has extended functionalities over the GATT. Currently 134 countries around the world are members of the WTO. GATT had about 22 countries when it was convened and had 122 countries as members in 1994. They have understood the implicit reason for this organization and have pledged to follow the rules mandated by the WTO to promote trade and commerce. The developing countries and the developed countries around the world are benefitted by WTO. The fundamental principle of WTO is Free and Fair trade .

WTO has some extended powers and functions over the GATT. Fundamentally WTO has legally enforcement laws. GATT on the other hand is only a provincially accepted agreement that had no legal bearing. WTO has a binding agreement and has all the members enlisted as permanent members. Unlike the GATT agreement that focused only on the trading of the goods, WTO has its say in determining international property rights, services rendered through trade and in International investments. The primary ideology behind this is to ensure that the countries are following the prescribed moral ethics of trade and commerce. GATT when it was set up did not have provisions to provide an arena to settle disputes. They did not have a separate body that basically regulates disputes. This provision is there in WTO. They have a separate body to discuss and resolve disputes and issues between the trading countries.