


由于它将由一个应用程序驱动,客户将本能地通过以最合适的方式工作的应用程序组合获得定制的能力。那么,为什么要购买苹果手表呢?更常见的情况是,将Apple Watch过分简化为可以戴在手腕上的iPhone。这不能被认为是一个不合理的比较,作为一个支持多种功能的迷你iPhone出现。有了合适的尺寸,人们可能会有购买该产品的动力,因为许多Android Wear手表对大多数人来说似乎都很笨重。从长远来看,全球范围内的数字创新速度之快表明,Apple Watch的产品可能会在短时间内被淘汰。在这种情况下,可以考虑马斯洛的需求层次结构。这种模式包括心理需求、安全需求、爱与归属、尊重、自我实现和自我超越。
这一产品可以与自我超越和自我实现的层次结构相关联,即以商业为基础的消费者和商人。据苹果公司设计高级副总裁表示,新增加的腕表肯定会挑战消费者对劳力士的偏好,同时在同一个市场空间内展开竞争。然而,看着狂热者和零售商似乎不那么信服。众所周知,这些手表具有独特的制造工艺和精密部件(Razin & Kark, 2012)。人们对品牌质量的认知近乎于零,而苹果可以被视为该行业的新进入者,自数个世纪以来,瑞士maestros一直主导着市场。这种动机与动机理论的唤醒有关。根据这一理论,个体受到行为表现的驱动,以维持与生理觉醒相关的最低和适当水平。考虑到客户不同层次的需求,这种激励水平是不同的。


As it will be driven by an app, instinctively, the customers will gain the ability of customization with a combination of applications working in the most appropriate way. So why should one purchase an Apple Watch? More often, there is an oversimplification of Apple Watch as an iPhone that can be worn on the wrist. This cannot be considered as an unreasonable comparison, appearing as a mini iPhone that is supportive of several functions. With an appropriate size, one may feel motivated for purchasing the product, as a number of Android Wear watches appear to be chunky for majority of the population. When considering this investment for a longer run, the fast speed of digital innovation across the global depicts that the product of Apple Watch may end up becoming obsolete in a short period of time. In this context, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can be considered. This model includes psychological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, self- actualization, and self- transcendence.
This product can be related with the hierarchy of self- transcendence and self- actualization that is for business based consumers and businessmen. According to the Senior VP of Design at Apple, the new addition will surely result in challenging the customer preferences towards Rolex, while competing within the same space of the market. However, watching aficionados and retailers seems to be less convinced. These watches are known to be having unique processes of manufacturing and precision components (Razin & Kark, 2012). The perception of brand quality is next to nothing and Apple can be seen as the new entry in the industry with Swiss maestros dominating the market since a number of centuries. Such motivation can be related with the arousal of motives theory. According to this theory, individuals are driven by the performance of actions for maintaining a minimum and appropriate level related to physiological arousal. This level of motivation varies considering the different hierarchy of needs of the customers.