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Motivating the Government and Policy makers to Act

Primarily increasing awards can help health care providers draft and come up with excellent health care service models for increasing life quality of patient. Health service models such as the ones suggested by Chamberlain and Kent (2005) have implications beyond the pediatric transitioning and young adulthood. These forms of health service models based on physiotherapeutic interventions will actually increase the quality of life as the young adults proceed into their 50 years of adulthood. In implementing awareness of these health care models for disabled youth, their aged care can be better planned (Chamberlain and Kent, 2005). This is the form of foresight that Government and policy makers need to have when planning for physiotherapeutic regimes for a future aged population. The awareness intervention that this proposal advocates will also enable the other stakeholders like the community and the Government to work on initiatives which will be cost effective for the health care industry in the long run.