


In this report, China has been selected for IHRM study. Thus to have an international presence, HR policies are to be framed by taking into account the various political, social and legislation of the country. The availability of cheap labour in China and lower cost of living can vary HR policy of the Apple with that of the US. Along with the external involvement, a risk is also there for the employee posted abroad. Therefore, HRM should have a mindset to consider various factors while recruiting workforce from diverse cultural backgrounds. The variable compensation, facilities, wages and salaries are provided to the labour in China. Apple was previously hesitating to make its presence in China due to various labour and human resource issues. It planned and adopted itself, by bringing various remedial measures to meet the suitable conditions favourable in China. The failure of the human resource department in respect to managing the cultural and behavioural aspects of the employees leads to the failure of the organization. Proper compensation without any discrimination on nationality, language, and culture is much needed for the growth in the host country. The need of the IHRM to install the Apple’s culture in the Chinese employee is the need of the hour.
The strategy which should be implemented to make the condition favourable for doing business in China is to focus on the human resources and utilizing their skills and knowledge. The employees of any organization are the one who contributes in the development of the organization.
A proper arrangement is needed to link the employee’s talent and career with the organizational goals.
Career enhancement programs need to be carried out by implementing SMART manner, with the goal of attracting the talents.
The human resource management should select and recruit present talent in China which will help them to expand their business operations.
Salary should be provided based on talent, experience and work conditions.
The selection of the local workforce should be given to local vendor, which can perform basic documentation and background examination.
The appraisal of work performance enables the workforce in linking their career with the company growth.
The location of the shops in an appropriate place with suitable transportation facilities will enable the company to reach to the customers. The employees should be provided with better salary along with incentives and providing wide opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge.

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