


关于英国不同行业的公司,有许多案例,其中一些短期财务压力是明显的,同时也揭示了这些压力背后的关键原因。考虑到工程行业,英国公司面临的短期压力是多方面的。在董事会一级,由于短期压力的存在,英国工程公司显然有不同的意见(Demirag et al . 1994)。Andrew Tylecote进行的一项研究发现,大多数英国经理人都描述了短期压力,包括薪酬、业绩和目标的衡量、投资不足的中央资金和研发。在这项研究中还明显地看到,这些压力没有一种直接或不可避免地来自业务下的正式系统。这大概是因为许多高级管理人员对这些压力没有任何认识(Demirag 1995)。研究发现,造成这些短期压力的主要原因在于,工程产品需要更高程度的创新,具有相互作用和外部互动。

当试图在英国实现这一目标时,这是有问题的。虽然有各种各样的研究考察短期主义现象,但这些研究大多数都是针对整个问题网络的特定方面的特设性质,未能建立一个可以对论点进行评估的协作框架(Demirag 1995)。然而,从文献的角度来看,资本市场往往被指责在短期内对管理层施加了不适当的压力。一般来说,人们都认为经理们经常会对公司的股价感到压力。他们所关注的范围主要通过以下内容来描述:他们对收购投标环境的恐惧程度。是否希望从可能是并购的新股本中筹集资金,还是希望实现有机增长。


There are a various number of cases with regard to British firms across different industries wherein several short term financial pressures are apparent while also disclosing the key causes behind these pressures. Taking into consideration the industry of engineering, there were various reasons for short term pressures on the firms based in Britain. The British engineering firms, at the board level, diverse opinions were evident due to the presence of short term pressures (Demirag et al 1994). In a study conducted by Andrew Tylecote, it was found that mostly all British managers described short term pressures to be inclusive of pay, measurement of performance and targets, insufficient investment central funding and research and development. It was also evident during this study that none of such pressures came from formalized systems either directly or in an inevitable way from the formalized systems under operations. This presumably was the case because of which various top management members did not have any awareness of these pressures (Demirag 1995). The study found the main cause behind these short term pressures to emerge from the fact that engineering products demand innovation of higher degree with inter-function and interaction externally.

This is problematic when tried to be achieved in UK. While there are various researches that examine short termism phenomenon, most of these researches have had ad hoc nature with regard to particular aspect of the entire issues web and fail at developing a collaborative framework wherein arguments can undergo evaluation (Demirag 1995). From the perspective of the literature, however, it would appear that capitalized markets often are blamed to put inappropriate pressures in the short term over management. Generally, it is agreed that often managers are stressed about the share prices of their organizations. The range of their concern is depicted to a major extent through the following: How far they are scared of take-over bid context.Whether the desire lies in raising capital from new equity which might be therefore acquisitions or for organic growth.