


Errors in judgement may arise from stereotypes. Under the influence of this psychological paradigm, perceptions are formed based on general beliefs and fixed ideas. Psychologies like this that members of management act pricey could be explained based on a stereotypical idea. May be such an idea has been developed because of some past experience in a previous organisation. However, if the employee is applying the same terms to judge the management, then there is a possibility that error in judgement may arise.

As proposed by sociologist Gregory, based on the prior knowledge, one may form perceptual hypothesis. In most of the occasions, perceptual hypotheses would bring out correct inferences (Caplin and Martin, 2015, p. 200). Contrary to this, levels of perception to analyse a data may make all the difference. Suppose the management body of an organisation where a person has been newly recruited, freely interact with its employees. However, based on prior knowledge, the person is scared to discuss a workplace related issue with the management body. In such cases, errors may arise in making workplace decisions because of error in analysis of available data.

Under the topic, evaluations have been made upon factors that influence the levels of perception. Human behaviour is affected by levels of perception. While analysing certain events, different people evaluate them in different ways. This is because of difference in the levels of perception. Based on various theories of perception, such behaviour patterns could be evaluated. This essay has portrayed these interlinking events.
Difference in behaviour influences the workplace environment and ultimately influences the decision-making procedures. Along with this, various management styles have been analysed. Based on that, how people perceive the functions of management and behave leave huge impacts upon the work environment.

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