


根据我个人的经历,写作业的过程为我创造新的身份提供了更好的机会,这与我导师的期望和要求是一致的。这种身份有助于为提出相关论点提供声音(Hyland 2011)。我明白这些写作的目的并不是为了强调语言发展的范围,而是有一个关注的方向,那就是以一定的学科形式来表现写作,既注重使用合适的语言,也注重表达准确的内容。这有助于提供一个广泛的写作范围,我将在大学面前呈现。考虑到自己的学术写作身份,我接受了作为一个作家的角色,接受了通过段落、句子、短语和单词的安排来构建意义的事实。如果我不考虑这个更深的层次,那么作者和文本就什么都没有了。因此,在我自己的学术写作身份中,我不仅关注臭名昭著的照亮这类元话语,而且我也相信用关键的表达来欣赏路标。从实际意义上讲,我注重把自己定位为一个作家,让写作的行为更具目的性。我在写作上总是有明确的理由去寻求明确的支持,并考虑投入更多的时间去提高自己的写作能力。Hyland(2011)的一项研究表明。


The process of writing an assignment, as per my own personal experience, provides a better opportunity for creation of new identity, one which is in alignment with the expectations and requirements of my tutor. This identity helps in providing a voice for presenting a related argument (Hyland 2011). I understand that the purpose of these writing does not lay stress on the scope of linguistic development, but there is direction of attention for featuring the writing in the form of certain disciplines, focusing on both, the use of appropriate language and the presentation of accurate content as well. This helps in providing a broad range of the writing I am going to present in front of the university. Considering my own academic writing identity, I accept my role as a writer with an acceptance of fact that there is construction of meaning by the arrangement of paragraphs, sentences, phrases and words. If I do not consider this deeper level, there is nothing left with the writer and text. Hence, in my own academic writing identity, I not only focus on notoriously lighting this type of meta- discourse, but I also believe in appreciation of signposts with the key presentation. In the practical sense, I focus on identifying myself as a writer making the act to write with a more intentional. I always have a specific reason for seeking out explicit support in writing, and consider devoting more time for the improvement of my ability in writing assignments assigned by the university, as identified in a research conducted by Hyland (2011).
For the provision of helpful insight in the process of writing, I always consider the sense of urgency over the task of writing, while ensuring that I do not harp the overall theme. When writing for one of the assignments, I realized that decisions in concern if there is adoption of impersonal style or for representing this in an explicit manner, there is a major impact on how there is delivery of message. And hence, I focused on maintaining soft disciplines, commenting on the lack of any real presence or voice in presenting the writing. In order to build a rhetorical consciousness in my major, I always focus on being aware of what I am doing, while critically evaluating the practice. For this purpose, according to Hyland (2011), focus is created on four main elements that are explanation of what has been done in the writing, structure of discourse, display of result and development of claim. These elements are most significant in writing for my major. According to Hyland (2011), as a student writing for the University, I focus on critiquing the guidelines offered commonly by the tutors, while comparing them with my own understanding about the same (Hyland2011).