


所有的图表理论认为,股票价格的过去行为被认为是预测股票未来走势的重要信息(Bei et al., 2014)。这些理论主要基于“历史重演”的原则。此外,根据该理论,以往价格行为的模式将倾向于在未来再次发生。根据这些图表理论,如果一个人仔细地分析了价格图表,个人就可以对价格行为模型有特定的安全性的理解,并且能够有效地预测特定安全价格的未来行为。此外,先前提到的理论可以有效地增加投资于股票市场的潜在利润(Fama, 1965)。


另一种随机漫步理论则提供了不同的看法。此外,根据随机游动的理论,未来安全价格水平的旅程可以更有效地预测一系列随机数据的收集过程。从统计学上讲,这个理论可以解释为,连续的价格变化是独立的,并且是相同的分散的随机变量。从一个简单的意义上说,这意味着价格变动的范围没有记忆;因此,之前的统计数据不能用于预测股票未来价格的准确方法(Borges, 2011)。教授更强调随机漫步理论,它是随机漫步模型的基础。在本文中,作者详细讨论了随机游动模型的理论。此外,作者还研究了随机漫步模型的实际有效性,并得出结论:数据似乎以一致的方式存在,并为理论提供了强有力的支持(Bougioukou, 2015)。文章的结论是,以前的图表的阅读可能是一个有趣的过去的时间。但是,这些不能为股票市场的投资者提供实际的价值。


All the Chartist theories assume that the previous behaviour of the stock price is considered as the important information and useful in predicting the future behaviour of the stock(Bei et al., 2014). The theories are mainly based on the principle “history repeat itself”. Moreover, according to the theory, the pattern of the previous price behaviour will be inclined to happen again in the future. According to these chartists theory, if an individual carefully analyses the price chart thoroughly, the individuals can develop an understanding of the price behaviour model with specific security and can efficiently anticipate the future behaviour of the specific security price. Moreover, the previously mentioned theory can be effective in increasing the potential profit from the investment in the stock market (Fama, 1965).


The other theory of random walks provides a different perception. Moreover, according to the theory of random walks, the future journey of a security’s price level can be more efficiently predict by the journey of a range of collected random numbers. Statistically, the theory can be explained in a way that successive price alterations are independent and identically dispersed random variables. In a simple sense, it implies that the range of price alterations has no memory; thus, the previous statistics cannot be applied to anticipate the future price of the stock in an exact method (Borges, 2011). The Professor provided greater emphasis on the random walks theory, which is underlying on random walks model. In this article, the author discussed the theory of the random walks model in a detailed way. Moreover, the author examined random walk’s model practical validity and concluded that the data seem to exist in a consistent way and provide strong support to the theory (Bougioukou, 2015). The conclusion of the article paper was that the reading of the previous chart might be an interesting past time. However, these could not provide the actual value to the investors of the stock market.