



波普艺术运动艺术家拒绝抽象表现主义的概念。他们相信以容易识别的方式创造物体的图像。根据波普艺术家的抽象表现主义,与普通人没有联系,是一个精英作品。另一方面,波普艺术则相信绘画人们可以轻易认出和关联的日常事物。他们从漫画人物,杂志剪报,汤罐等中获得灵感。二战后美国社会的消费文化是波普艺术文化艺术家的主要灵感(Schroeder J. E,1992)。



“Pop Art should be popular, transient, expendable, low-cost, mass-produced, young, witty, sexy, gimmicky, glamorous, and big business”   ~ Richard Hamilton

The pop art movement artists reject the concept of abstract expressionism. They believed in creating the images of objects in such a way that they were easily recognizable. Abstract expressionism, according to Pop art artists did not connect with ordinary people and was an elitist work. Pop art on the other hand believed in painting everyday things which the people could easily recognize and relate to. They took inspirations from comic book characters, magazine clippings, soup cans etc. The consumer culture of American society post World War II was the main inspiration of the Pop art culture artists (Schroeder J. E, 1992).

The developments in technology, increased presence of televisions in the houses of people, expanded use of computer and developed means of communication made availability of information easier. The artists now used techniques like silkscreen (mechanical printing process) to make arts instead of using the old traditional techniques. The paintings by Pop artists mainly consisted of objects, products and popular people whose pictures were featured in magazines and newspapers. The main focus of this movement was to represent the mass culture and the rapidly growing industrial society. Pop Art depicted the worthlessness of middle class values.

John Jasper was one of the prominent artists of Pop Art movement. He considered himself a self-taught artist. He is known for using flags, targets and other recognizable objects in his art works.