


Secondly, the information space that is created is useful for not just the employees but is also useful for the employer. Up to date news on the market, the stock movement of companies, changing political-economic conditions or even news about climatic disruptions like that of a storm are presented online. For instance, a pop up on my CNN feeds will always show the local weather and I know when I step out, I will need the snow jacket or other accessories. When employers put a blanket ban on the use of social media, then such information is not present to the employee when they are in the workplace. In the workplace, the employee might feel isolated from the rest of the world. The employer might be able to get vital feeds from employees who are more aware or conscious of economic sensitivities, but with a ban on the use of social media, the employers will not get such feedback
In the context of new projects an oft cited problem is rapport building. It so happens that new team members for a project will need their information space to exist inside the workspace, but will need a social space external to the workspace to understand their co-team members. Many social media platforms like Facebook for instance allows for private page creation where posts can be shared strictly with members only. These spaces will allow more collaboration between the project team members and will improve their vitality in working. The members can post minutes of meeting for a member that was absent for the meetings. Some recordkeeping activities can be done on these private pages, informal discussion on why some initiatives of project will work or the challenges can be discussed in a much more informal setting. Such social media connections within the working environment will help users follow up on each other’s suggestions.
Finally, the marketing space is retained with equal accessibility to all stakeholders. Customers of a company are given access to a marketing space where they are entertained with all kinds of information for a company. Customers are the primary stakeholders. For instance, a FB page with information about the company will do its best to create good access to the customer. In the same point of reasoning, it can be argued that the employee is also a critical stakeholder. If the customer is an external stakeholder, the employee is an internal stakeholder. It would be double standards to not allow the employee to have access to social media. Employee’s access to social media will enable them to be an active component in the successful marketing of the company.

Some of the concerns of employers which makes them consider banning the use of social media in the legal sense, like argued by the opposite team members, are that the media space can result in the misuse of confidential information. Similarly, the views of the business can be misrepresented or inappropriate business use might be carried out with social media. The social media space might even be used for such purposes like that of bullying a fellow employee, or taking ill about the business space or even basically wasting time. Employers might also feel the wrong representation could set them back negatively in marketing. Now while it is true that employee misusing the social media space can result in harm for both the employers and their peers, it is equally true that the technology in itself is not the instigator. Technology and social media spaces are just tools. If the person wants to harm employer reputation, then he would find some alternative means to do so. In the legal context, the social media space can be considered as a public forum. Therefore, to deny access to social media spaces with a blanket ban would in itself invite much legal issues. Hence employers have to be wary about how they handle the issue, and definitely a blanket ban would not help.

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