


Then, there are what is called as the proximate causes. The proximate causes are those that are seen to be related to the conflict because of its close proximity to the situation. These are causes to the conflict which have deeper symptoms and identifying the deeper symptoms is necessary to resolve the conflicts in a much larger scale and in a longer term manner. Only if the apparent cause is treated, then the conflict would be solved only for a short term. Finally, in causes, there are such elements called as triggers. The triggers are what sets of the conflicts immediately. These triggers have to be identified as well. The incident is definitely not triggered by one but many things now, so it is recommended that the entire history of cause behind the conflicts be analyzed before negotiations.
Finally, the important part of conflict resolution is who are called the actors. The actors are the stakeholders who have underlying motivations in the conflict in the form of concern, goals, hopes or fears. The goals would be the strategy made use by the actor to pursue their goal. The position is a solution that the actor feels would work in the context of the conflicts, the position is solution identified with only one or more set of actors, and would not necessarily be agreeable to everybody. The capacity of the actors here is their potential to affect context and then there are relationship dynamics of the different actors and at different levels which is useful to understand how conflicts are supported. Now apart from the issues of neighborhood and the players, there are stakeholders involved in the form of the people who are seen to benefit economically or environmentally by the presence of these parks in a fully industrialized site. Similarly park management is interested in ensuring the park remain open for the public at large. Their position is that the park must be open for everybody. So it is recommended that in conflicts analysis and negotiation, it is necessary for the opinion of all stakeholders, from the key opposition parties to everybody that would get affected by their conflicts should be included in stakeholder conversations.
The third and final recommendation being made is that conflict analysis being done now must at all time be considered only as a form of preliminary analysis. Conflict analysis is a continuing process and as the resolution progresses, any new information that arises in the situation of the conflict must be defined well and must be studied carefully as well.

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