

管理核算资本预算和预算控制,这种技术的使用,使各公司更容易削减多余的开支,为所有完美的经营。间接铭刻公司的金条,所以公司可以减少其在产品上的增加。财务报表提供了重要的信息和其他管理要求的公司财务报表。管理会计帐户创建一个详细的技术报告,简单易懂的解释(Naoum, 2011)。因此,公司代表了财务报表的关键,并使管理人员采取一些正确的决策为公司的发展。管理团队需要公司管理所需的信息。记录所有的交易是很重要的,可以提高所有部门的业绩。因此,提出的记录的效率取决于这样保持的记录的准确性。个人解读可能来自于管理人员的决策和准备工作。这是基于理解和解释的概率。正确的主题知识使公司不可能做出准确或直接的决定。因此,在一天结束的时候不可能得到有效的结果(Mitchell, 2007)。管理会计的工作内容包括成本会计经济学、财务会计等。对各学科知识的缺乏会影响管理工作的结果,也会影响管理会计工作的更好开展,对各学科知识的掌握对会计人员来说至关重要。

为了实施有助于员工生产力和进一步提高的措施,这些措施的制定特别描述了组织的个人目标。实施评估个人绩效和团队绩效的措施几乎是相同的。它们是平衡计分卡中另一个个体实现个人目标的前提,以获得组织的财务成功,因此在这项工作中,经验提到了工人与动机、生产力和企业结果之间的积极关系。人力资源对于企业战略和财务成本的成功实现起到了至关重要的作用。平衡计分卡更强调学习和成长视角,作为其他使用视角的直接基础,以及它对主要劳动力的重要性,这导致组织获得更多和成功,这是由Applebaum构建的人力资源管理和公司获得之间的关键重要性。知识产权,如人力资本是新兴的竞争和来源的来源组织(Merna和Al-Thani, 2008)。即使在实践中,卡普兰和诺顿的目的,给予模糊资产和人力资本作为一个利益相关者的工作更重要的观点没有观察到,然而,它已经发现,这一消极行为背后的主要原因是困难和复杂性的概念,无形资产的因果比率。这包括员工满意度、员工保留率等,比较难的是这些指标在因果链中的比例。

Management accounting has many advantages and through an effective management accounting style, it is possible for the organization to enhance their performance. The management accounting increases the operational efficiency of the company. The companies should focus on enhancing the performance of all the work processes. The management accounting makes it very easier and simpler for achieving different results and this directly motivates the employees to perform the better performance. Thus, it indirectly increases the productivity of the organization at a whole unit.

Management counting capital budgeting and budgetary control, the uses of this technique make it easier for various companies to cut the excess expenditure for all perfect operations. The indirect inscription the bars of the company, so the company can reduce in order its increasing on the products. The financial statements provide significant information and other management require financial statement of the company. The management accountant accounts create a detailed technical report with easy and simpler interpretations (Naoum, 2011). Thus, the companies represent the key of the financial statements, and enable the managing officers take up some right decisions for the development of the company. The management team requires information for the management of the company. The recording of all the transaction is important and increasing the performance of all the departments. Thus, the efficiency of the record presented relies upon the accuracy of the records thus maintained. Personal interpretation may come from the decision taking and the preparation by the management officers. This is based on the probability of understanding and interpretation. Properly knowledge of subject makes it not possible to the company to come to the accurate or direct decisions. Thus, it becomes not possible to get effective outcomes at the end of the day (Mitchell, 2007). The job description of the management accounting includes cost accounting economics, financial accounting, etc. Lack of knowledge regarding the various subjects can affect the result of the management and for the better working management accounting, which is essential for the accountant to have a clear knowledge of the subjects.

To implement measures that would assist employee productivity and further improvement, development of these measures especially depicts individual objectives for the organization. Implementing measures that assess the individual performance and team performance is almost same. They are preconditioned for achieving individual targets in another individual of the BSC to attain the financial success of the organization, so in this work, experience has mentioned the positive relationship between workers and motivation, productivity and corporate results. HR does play a most significant and pivotal role to make the most prominent and successful realization of corporate strategy and financial, costing success. BSC emphasized more on learning and growth perspective as on the direct basement of other used perspective and its importance towards the main workforce, and this leads to the organization gaining much more and successfully, which is under constructed by Applebaum as a key importance between HRM and company gaining. Intellectual property like Human capital is emerging competitive for and source of source organization (Merna and Al-Thani, 2008). Even though in practice, the aim of Kaplan and Norton view point of giving more importance on vague assets and human capital working as a stakeholder is not observed, however, it has been found that the main reason behind this negative behaviour is the difficulties and complexity of conceptual the cause and effect ratios of intangibles. That includes employees satisfaction, employee retention, etc. it is more difficult the ratios of these measures in cause and effect chain.
