




Thus it can be concluded that though Windows still dominate the market, with still more than 70% of the population using different versions of Windows operating systems, there has been a consistent increase in the users of Linux as well. Some big companies have realized the benefits of Linux over Windows and thus have shifted to Linux servers. When compared to market research in 2007, where more than 90% of the users used Windows and Linux users were less than 1%, it has been observed that currently the Linux users have increased to 4.9% of the total users. The increase in the number of Linux users has been slow but has been on a rise on consistent basis. Linux is not only better in the above three criteria discussed above, but has some other important features as well.  In the world of computers and softwares, security plays a very important role. Since Windows is widely used and is very common, it is much easier for hackers to hack Windows operating system, whereas Linux is much more secured. The reason again is same, since Windows update is solely provided by Microsoft, it might take Microsoft some days or months to come up with a solution to tackle new threats, but since Linux is an open source, it has more people working on it and any new threat is thus captured and tackled in few hours’ time only (Horowitz, 2005). Linux is also advantageous for gaming purposes as software involved to run games comes free of cost, whereas in case of Windows software required to play games is quite expensive. Thus, Linux, an open source has more advantages over Windows which is closed source software.