


A popular Jazz music form strange fruit consists of the piece of a period. It is actually more like a memorial rather than a periodic piece. It is a song which has been originally sung by Bill Holiday. It was a very serious and an artistic song which was created to force a social change. The score of the song has been created in such a manner that it uses the style of halting, howling delivery and a unique method for phrasing in order to pass a message. Strange Fruit was one of the greatest Jazz songs which was written in reaction to the horror which was observed during the times at the lynching. He set the same in the form of music by creating a protest song. It is a very simple but an effective poetry. It is a song which has been sung in three short verses and each and every one is much more powerful and ironic. The song consists of the references of the expressions related to racist brutality including the attack on the writer of the song Brooklyn.
The initial song was sung by Bill Holiday. Though, the rendition of the popular song by Jill Scott is something that has also appealed a great number of people in the world. Thus, it is important to compare the two songs and their scores. While the original song was sung by Bill Holiday in the year 1939, the latter performance was delivered by Jill Scott in the 21st century.
Bill Holiday was a professional American Jazz Musician and song writer. She had a great influence of the jazz music and the pop singing style. With the help of jazz instruments, she created different ways for manipulation of phrases and tempo. She was a singer who was known for the way in which she used to deliver her vocals and also for the improvisation of her skills. Strange fruit was recorded by her in the year 1939. Later after twenty years, she recorded the same again for verve. Strange fruit was a song which was equivalent to the top twenty hit in the 1930s.
Strange fruit by Billie Holiday was first performed in the New York City night at a spot which was known as Café Society. This song was unlike any song which was ever heard in the past. This song was known for its voice, its presence, the way it reflected the mainstream culture of the place and a song which earned a lot of attention.
Strange Fruit was the very first written poem and was later on modified and created in the form of a song. The way in which the song was performed included a unique vocal style and tempo. The articulation of the strange fruit was such that it described lynching and the pain which the black people had to face. It served as a vital medium to express the discontent. Strange fruit by Billie Holiday was a haunting song which was related to the lynching in America. The song creates an articulation related to the essence of the reaction of a racist. It also articulated about the growing awareness and anger to find different expression in the rise of the civil movement during 1950 to1960. It was truly an articulation created in order to show her anger. In the song the high range of octave pedals were used in order to create a class and phase of at the same time. The song by Billie Holiday is a dynamics against the racial discrimination. The impact of Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday was such that is begun to turn the power dynamics upside down. The song by Billie Holiday had a tempo of around 84 bpm.

The new and improvised version of the music was sung by Jill Scott. She is a popular American Singer, song writer, model and actress. She made her debut with the album titled “Who is Jill Scott, words and sounds”. Later on, she grabbed success with the albums such as “A long walk” which got Grammy recognition.
This new version of the old song was sung by Jill Scott. The performance was done in a concert titled the “Concert for progress on race in America”. Jill Scott gave a chilling performance. The concert also included a number of singers such as Nicki Minaj and Pharrel Williams. But the one by Jill Scott was a standout performance. The lyrics of the song were so articulate that it described the haunting bodies of the different black men who were killed by the lynch mobs and the left out corpses of them. The song was song by Jill Scott in such a manner that her voice was raising and falling for a stirringly beautiful and frank creation of the song. The tempo of the song by Scott was such that it tries to stretch out, belt and howl in the pain. The articulation of the song is such that there is a silhouette of hanging bodies that are lying with one another. The strange fruit by Jill Scott had a tempo of around 70 BPM.

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