

美国论文代写:课堂实践在媒介教育中的作用。课堂实践在媒介教育中起着非常重要的作用。媒体教育中有一系列的课堂实践(Taylor et al., 2016)。任何字段都很有用。田野作为媒介工作的一种共同的研究模式,识别出许多方面,然后在学生的建构中进行处理。在这里,制作可以作为一个巩固阶段,学生必须了解内容,以创建一个媒体。诗歌单元可以是学生的诗歌,也可以是学生自己的新闻节目总结出的一条电视新闻。因此,媒体教育的课堂实践是非常有效的。接下来美国论文代写专家将为同学们讲解下课堂实践在媒介教育中的作用。

主题媒体涉及多种媒介(Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999)。在以主题为基础的媒体中,首先确定一个问题,然后展示这个问题是如何通过各种媒体传达信息的。例如,在中学,性别代表问题是一个重要的问题。

媒体的影响在课堂层面受到了批评,因为各个学校和地区之间的技能不均衡(Scharrer & Ramasubramanian, 2015)。这不是一个像全球教育这样的新课程体系。有些校董会把媒体教育放在优先地位,因此他们聘请媒体顾问来支持媒体教育。其他一些学校则让完成了教育学院的一些额外课程的个别教师来执行。因此,媒体教育的含义应该有一个平衡,并应应用一个独特的原则。

媒体教育在许多敏感问题上对学生和教师都有帮助,但它也有一些问题(Stewart et al., 2015)。问题可能来自态度和暴力方面。在男性和女性的变化中,这种动态的角色扮演起了至关重要的作用。讨论少数民族的代表性对于理解加拿大生活中的各种问题及其角色是非常重要的。学生应该讨论各种语言和行为在媒体中的恰当性。学生应该在他们的家庭和教室里将媒体的表现与价值观进行比较,这样他们就可以理解各种问题(Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999)。

Classroom practices play a very important role in media education. There is a range of classroom practices in media education (Taylor et al., 2016). Any field is useful. A field works as a common pattern of study in media work identifying many aspects and then it is processed within the construction of students. Here, the production can be utilised as a phase of consolidation where students must have an understanding of the content to create a media. A unit on poetry could be students’ poems or a piece of television news could be concluded as news produced from students’ own newscast. Hence, classroom practice in media education is very effective. Several media is involved in theme-based media (Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999). In a theme-based media, an issue is identified and then it is demonstrated that how that issue communicates a message through various media. For example, in a middle school, the gender representation issue is an important issue.

The implication of media is criticised at the classroom level, as skills have been uneven from school to school and district-to-district (Scharrer & Ramasubramanian, 2015). This is not a system like other newer curricula like Global Education. Some school boards have given priority to media education and hence, they have supported the media education by engaging media consultants. Some other schools have left the implementation on some individual teacher who has completed some additional course from a faculty of education and so on. Hence, there should be a balance in the implication of the media education and one unique principle should be applied for this.

Media education is useful to help the students and the teachers in many sensitive issues but it has some issues (Stewart et al., 2015). The issues may come from the aspect of attitudes and violence. The dynamic roles in the change of males and females play a vital role. Discussion about the representation of ethnic groups is very important for understanding various issues and their roles in Canadian life. Students should discuss the appropriateness of various language and actions in the media. Students should compare the representation of media with values in their homes and classrooms and thus they could make sense of various issues (Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999).
