


乐高集团始于1916年,当时一名不起眼的木匠Ole Kirk Kristiansen开始在这个木材车间在Billund的丹麦村庄内部制作木制玩具。然而,由于金融崩溃,该集团目前的状况令人可悲。这是由于公司的战略业务决策和战略管理不当造成的,对于公司的成功和发展并没有一个清晰的认识,不知道该做什么,不该做什么。一个有效的战略规划将有助于企业与竞争对手竞争,获得更高的利润率。为了制定更好的战略计划,公司必须进行SWOT分析。在最初几年,公司运行顺利。然而,随着竞争水平的提高以及客户需求变化等不确定的市场环境,全球商业趋势等对集团业务产生了巨大的影响,难以在市场上占有一席之地(Wind, Y.,&Robertson,T.S,1983)。
业务系统模型由三个主要组成部分组成,对业务绩效产生巨大的影响(Kaplan,R. S.,Norton,D. P.,&Horvath,P 1996):


LEGO group came in to existence all the way back in 1916 when a humble carpenter, Ole Kirk Kristiansen started making wooden toys in this wood workshop in the interiors of Danish Village in Billund. However, the current position of the group is pathetic due to a financial collapse. This resulted from the improper strategic business decisions and strategic management of the company, which does not have a clear cut idea of what to be done and what not to be done to achieve success and growth of the company. A strategic planning that is effective will help a firm in competing with its competitors and attain increased profit margins. For formulating a better strategic plan, a company has to conduct a SWOT analysis. In the initial years, the company was running in a smooth way. However, later with the increased competition level and uncertain market conditions like changes in the customer demand, global business trends and so on has a huge impact on the business of the group, which it finds difficult to hold its position in the market (Wind, Y., & Robertson, T. S, 1983).
Business System Model of LEGO Group
Business system model consists of three main components that give immense impact on the business performance (Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P., & Horvath, P 1996):
Resource base: The Lego Group saw a difficult phase in the later years of its establishment. The vital resources of the company is bricks, brick binding machine plastic injection molding machine, which is used to build wooden toys, bricks toys and so on. However, the effective utilization of these resources by the company would not have leaded it to face the issues like stock-outs, slow movement f its inventory etc during 2002.