
美国论文代写 领导艺术


需要的不仅仅是负责任的态度对一个领导者是有效的。有许多其他属性使领导满意和令人费解的同时。领导的话题一直困惑思想家;普遍定义领导力不是一项容易的任务。有增加数量的研究在全球领域的领导。特别是在1950年代领导和其重要性跨地理区域的主题已经升级。人们认为领导的特质不是行为的展览。固有的特征,这是人类的表达方式,实际上是一个杰出的质量定义,使人格的人。领袖所表现出的属性定义领导他或她的个性和质量具有(荣格& Avolio,1999)。领导也被看作是一种天生的能力,是天生的领导者或他/她获得的能力,提高学习能力,领导也可能被视为展览的态度或技能。然而重要的是要理解的重要性,各级领导和可接受性不同的属性在全球各地。

It takes more than just responsible attitude for a leader to be effective. There are a number of other attributes which make leadership gratifying and perplexing at the same time. The topic of leadership has long puzzled thinkers; universally defining leadership is not an easy task. There has been an increase in amount of research being carried out in the field of leadership across the globe. Especially after 1950s the topic of leadership and its importance across geographic regions has escalated. People view leadership as more of a trait than behavioural exhibition. A trait, which is inherent in a human’s way of expression, is actually an eminent quality that defines the person and makes the personality. The attributes shown by the leader defines the personality and quality of leadership he or she possesses (Jung & Avolio, 1999). Leadership is also seen as a natural ability, which comes naturally to the leader or he/she acquires the ability by increasing learning capacity; leadership may also be seen as exhibition of attitude or skill. However it is important to understand the importance of leadership attributes and acceptability of different attributes at various levels across the globe