


实证研究显示,最低工资提高对失业的影响好坏参半(Allegretto et al., 2011)。然而,最近的研究表明,一些人的工资上涨和另一些人的失业之间可能存在权衡(Neumark等人,2014)。同时,即使有一些最小的失业由于上调最低工资,它仍然可以导致减少不平等通过部门基于类的下降和劳动力(罗杰斯,2017年,p . 9)。在美国,增加最低工资上调像西雅图,报告显示,低收入工人的生活质量有所提高,从而减少了他们的贫困(Hoppes, 2018)。最近的研究表明,目前从事低工资工作的人大部分不是由家庭中其他人照顾的青少年,而是那些在大学里待了一段时间的人(Dube, 2013)。这些人的工作效率也很高。根据最近的报告,中产阶级青少年或由别人照顾的人在低收入工人中所占的比例明显下降。因此,提高最低工资不会是剥削。随着基本最低工资限额的提高,不同年龄群体的最低工资已普遍提高。


Federal minimum wage in United States has been one of the most controversial topics that are widely discussed among the public and the policy makers for a long period. The last revision to the Federal Minimum wage occurred in 2009, increasing it from $5.89 per hour to $7.25 per hour (Dube, 2013). Meanwhile, 29 states in the country along with the District of Columbia increased their minimum wages above the federal minimum wage level, accounting for the increase in factors like productivity, inflation and cost of living (Thomas, 2017). For example, Seattle has increased the minimum wage very high to $15 per hour in 2017. This has created a hot debate about whether the federal minimum wage needs to be increased or not. There are arguments supporting and opposing the rise in the Federal minimum wage level. In this essay, both sides are examined to analyze whether there should be rise in the federal minimum wage level or not. This will be examined with the help of available sources, researches and calculations (Varney, 2014).

Empirical studies show mixed results about the effects of rise in minimum wage hikes on the job losses (Allegretto et al., 2011). Recent studies show however that there can be tradeoffs between rise in wages for some and loss of employment for others (Neumark et al., 2014). At the same time, even if there are some minimal job losses due to the hike in the minimal wage, it can still lead to reduction in inequality through the decline in divisions based on class and labor (Rogers, 2017, p. 9). In the states that increased the minimum wage hike like Seattle, reports show a rise in the quality of life of the low-income workers, thus reducing their poverty (Hoppes, 2018). The recent studies have shown, those who are working for low wages at present are mostly not teenagers who are taken care of by others in the family, but those are the ones, who have spent some time in the college (Dube, 2013). These groups of people are productive as well. The share of middle class teenagers or those who are taken care of by others have declined significantly among the low wage workers, according to the recent reports. Thus, increasing minimum wages will not be exploitation. The minimum wages in general are already increased among different age groups with the increase in the substantial minimum wages limit.

Based on the discussion here, it can be concluded that the federal minimum wage needs to be increased, complemented with other policies for poverty alleviation and the improvement of living standards of the workers. The hike in the minimum wage can lead to losses of some jobs, but it will be compensated by the retention of workers, thus reducing job turn over. Thereby, the firms’ productivity will be increased. This in turn can benefit the economy as a whole. The federal minimum wage needs to be hiked taking into account the cost of living, inflation and the productivity of the workers along with the existing labor market conditions for improving their living standards. The policies also should consider how to raise the minimum wage minimizing the loss of jobs for achieving the goal of alleviating poverty. Moreover, rather than focusing more only on the minimum wage hike, it needs to be a part of overall reforms that help in building a society which is equitable. The other reforms should include the measures for the empowerment of workers and for revising the tax structure. Along with these, there needs to be more focus on the rise in the minimum wages at the state level and city level than at the federal level due to the wide differences in the conditions existing in the labor markets across different states and cities.
