


《美国奴隶》一书的作者弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)写了这本书。他是非洲裔美国文学传统的著名作家,这本书是他1845年出版的第一本自传,那是在道格拉斯脱离奴隶制度之后的7年。




The book ‘Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave’ was written by Frederick Douglass. He was a well known writer of the African American literary tradition and this book was his first autobiography published in 1845 that was seven years after Douglass escaped himself from slavery.

Two pillars of the master slave relationship
Douglass analyzed that no slaves knew their true ages. With his experience, Douglass came to know that owners of the slaves keep their slaves ignorant of their true ages deliberately. This is used by whites as a tactics for retaining their power and control over slaves and Douglass used this in his narrative as a recurrent structure (Douglass, 2000). Through his personal experiences as a slave, Douglass had tried to analytically present the experiences of the slaves with which he tried to explain the phenomenon on which slavery at that time worked and the reasons were also presented for it being a wrong practice. Douglass through his antislavery argument tactically tried to analyze the institution of slavery and tried to present the ways in which slavery worked. The analysis presented by Douglass clearly makes other understand the evils of slavery with the depth of its wrongness and brutality that ruined the lives of numerous slaves. For majority of people that were not abolitionists’ slavery was just a natural practice. According to their economic and religious arguments blacks were regarded as inferior to whites and they were believed to be part of enslaved labor force (Frederick, 2009). Douglass through his intense study makes it clear that slavery was sustaining in the society not because of any sort of superiority of whites over blacks due to some natural conditions instead it was due to concrete and contrived strategies of whites of sustaining their power and holding their control over blacks. This can be easily analyzed with the example that whites deliberately take black children away from their slave mothers and they were also forced to grow up as slaves as their mothers.