


那天晚上他睡在路面上。第二天,他们三人回家,他们两人都没有讨论前一天的事件,并一起吃饭。 Takashi发信给他的家,说他不认为美国军方在伊拉克战争的右边,所以他决定离开军队,留在中东安慰他伤害的家人。 Ryuehi和他的妻子Megumi以及Kenji的钢琴老师一起去看Kenji的表演。

东京奏鸣曲与2001年的两部法国电影“Laurent Cantet’s Time Out”和2002年的“Nicole Garcia’s The Arversary”相同。这两部电影也展现了工薪阶层的生活和他们的欺骗。这两个故事都是基于失业医生的生活路线,因为他们仍然被雇用,并为他们量身打造悲剧。就像这些电影一样,“东京奏鸣曲”表明,一个有尊严和繁荣的人如何渡过艰辛和痛苦,以维护他们在家庭和社会中的神圣形象。这也表明,有工作和有工作的欺骗并没有太大的不同。人们可以轻易地假装有一个时间的工作,但有一天或其他真理的光辉。这部电影有一个不寻常的结局,不像其他的一切都完美和快乐。虽然所有的紧张局势都与故事开始时的情况一样,但立面被删除了。最后,家庭中的每个人现在都知道,彼此支持。



He slept at pavement that night. The next day when three of them returned home, neither of them discussed the previous day’s incidents and had their meal together. Takashi sent a letter to his home saying that he did not think that U.S military is at the right side in Iraq’s war, so he decided to leave the army and stayed in Middle East to console the families he harmed. Ryuehi, along with his wife Megumi and Kenji’s piano teacher, went to watch Kenji’s show.

Tokyo Sonata has the same theme as of two French movies, “Laurent Cantet’s Time Out” in 2001 and “Nicole Garcia’s The Adversary” in 2002. These two movies also showed life of salary men and their deception. Both stories were based on life line of doctors who were unemployed and delude as they are still employed and tailored their tragedy. Like these movies, Tokyo Sonata shows that how a respectable and prosperous man goes through hardships and agonies to safeguard their holy image in family and society. It also showed that deception of having a job and having a job in reality are not too much different. One can easily pretend to have a job for a frame of time but one day or other truth alights. This film had an unusual ending, unlike others where everything goes perfect and happy. Though all the tensions remained same at the end as they were at the beginning of the story, but the façade was removed. At the end, everyone in the family now knows everything and supports each other.

“Tokyo Sonata” is an exemplary masterpiece by Kurosawa, who was previously known for horror movies like “Cure” in 1997 and “Pulse” in 2001 which showed creepy anxieties and disintegrations indulged in horrifying showcases. His movies, apart from horror genre, like “Barren Illusion” in 1999 and “Bright Future” in 2003 also showcased darkness and torture.