




当人们陷入更广泛和更复杂的困境时,问题就产生了,他们意识到在商业和管理中应用道德原则是一个真空。还有一个神话,商业道德是由哲学家、学者和社会学家(Chakraborty Chatterjee,1999)。这是由于商业伦理文献中的企业所有者和管理人员缺乏,因此许多人认为这些术语与组织的日常生活没有什么关系(戈麦斯,2007,第67页)。他们认为,商业伦理只是一场理智的辩论,从不给哲学家留下安慰。尽管有神话,商业道德是一个科学的工具,具有实际的方法,包含实用工具。伦理和管理在其他领域也有实际应用。

神话说,伦理在管理只恢复本身是多余的。许多人认为,管理规范中的道德规范是人人都向往的。然而重视管理伦理组织内塑造重视伦理问题在工作场所(Attfield 1999)。很明显,所有组织都需要一个诚实和忠诚的员工队伍。然而,在组织道德规范的顶端列出诚实,这一点很突出,值得考虑。管理伦理往往是随着社会和组织的需要而变化的工具。




Organizations may assume that employee’s loyalty and their inclination towards ethics are necessary and that they can ignore business ethics. Problems faced by managers in a routine organizational course are usually complex. When the topic of business ethics is discussed, people tend to consider the golden or thumb rule of honesty and courtesy.
Problems in organizations
The problem arise when people are engaged in wider and more complex dilemmas, they realize that there is a vacuum to deal with in applying ethical principles to business and management. There is also a myth that business ethics is something led by philosophers, academics and sociologists (Chakraborty and Chatterjee, 1999). This is due to the lack of business owners and managers in business ethics literature over time and therefore many consider that these terms have little to do with daily life of an organization (Gomez, 2007, p. 67). They believe that business ethics is only an intellectual debate that never leaves the comfort of philosophers. Despite of the myth, business ethics is a scientific tool with realistic approach that contains practical tools. Ethics and management have practical applications in other areas as-well.
Myth says that ethics in management only reinstates itself and is superfluous. Many argue that ethics in management codes are the ones which naturally aspires everyone. However valuing management ethics within an organization portrays the importance to ethical concerns within the workplace (Attfield, 1999). It’s quite obvious that all organizations require a honest and loyal workforce. However listing honesty in the top of organization’s code of ethics makes it prominent and worth considering. Management Ethics are always those instruments which change with the needs of the society and the organization.
Myths in management
Another myth says that ethics in management is a way of good guys teaching bad guys. However people experienced in working with organizations know that good people might take bad actions in state of stress, frustration or confusion. Therefore ethics in management refers to team efforts made together to help others remain out of ethical dilemmas.