


在案例研究中,一个重要的管理问题被定义,实现一致性与分配的自主权。重视一致性会因为重视自主性而影响创新项目。这里管理的作用是给予足够的结构化沟通,以确保在结构化创新过程中有更好的干预。这样,团队之间可以安排更好的社会化结构。当团队在不同地点面临一个问题时(请记住Bright Futures项目因为案例分散在不同地点而被废弃的事实),沟通是一个重要的问题,这是一个人力资源和管理问题。如果项目不与团队沟通目标并从他们那里获得信息,那么它将无法分析所有的机会。开放式创新实践将通过在一致性和自主性之间取得平衡而得到发展(Holmes & Smart, 2009;盖茨与希尔出版社,1995年)。

持续创新对于利润和非营利组织都是必要的(Light, 1998;Jaskyte & Dressler, 2005)。为了持续创新,必须确保一定程度的自主权,以便使人们对实践持更开放的态度。组织治理必须存在,但它必须确保在过程中不会变得官僚主义。追踪工具和社交网络工具,比如Yammer,将提高工作环境的可视性。从开放频繁的沟通,组织必须实现一致性,同时利用精英管理。



In the case study, an important managerial problem was defined, achieving consistency versus allotment of Autonomy. Giving much importance to consistency would affect the innovation project due to giving much importance to autonomy. The role of the management here is to give enough structured communication so as to ensure that there is improved intervention in structuring the innovation. This way, better structures of socialization between teams could be arranged. When teams are facing an issue across location (mindful of the fact that the Bright Futures project being disused as case is spread out over locations), communication is an important issue, and it is a human resources and a management issue. The project will not be able to analyse all the opportunities if it does not communicate the goals to the team and receive input from them. Open innovation practices would be developed through having a balance between consistency and autonomy (Holmes & Smart, 2009; Gates & Hill, 1995).

Sustaining innovations is as much a necessity for the profit and the non-profit organization (Light, 1998; Jaskyte & Dressler, 2005). For sustaining innovations, some amount of autonomy must be assured so as to enable people to be more open-minded about the practice. Organizational governance must exist, but it must ensure that it does not become bureaucratic in the process. Tracking tools and social networking tools like Yammer for instance would improve the visibility when it comes to the work environment. From open frequent communication, the organization must move to one of achieving consistency and at the same time make use of meritocracy.

Social innovation presents a new term on management. It redefines management and hence it can be described as having a transformative effect on the organization that is making use of it. Social and civil literature on the subject of social innovation argues that it is focused much on multiservice. Hence, it can be classed under the new public service paradigm. Role of social economy, role of the entrepreneurs, the role of social change with respect to innovation are the key words surrounding it. Michael Porter’s argument on corporate value discusses what is called as shared value. Shared value is important for business and non-profit organization. The new take-on management actually arises from the broader understanding of how different fields contribute to management science understanding. Since social innovation spills over into human resources, management has to focus on the human resource handling. Similarly, innovations spill over into institutional context, social capitals and more, and at every area once again, it is necessary for the organization to handle management level concerns for improving competitiveness. In non-profit management more than any other, sustainability and social capital improvements are concepts that go hand in hand with social innovation. In the given case study, the discussion about Corby, the post-industrial town of UK, it is observed that the city had become victim to many failed strategies. When defining something innovative, it is hence a given fact that sustainability planning will go into it. It would be difficult to plan for the city without including sustainability initiatives.

A specific management level issue when it comes to non-profit organizations is whether they would be able to implement continuous innovation. Continuous innovation has been studied widely in the profit sector and the profit sector is in agreement that continuous innovation would help develop their internal and external capabilities. However, the idea as applied to the non-profit sector could slightly vary. Now profit areas would struggle to find the opportunity where innovation could be targeted by disruption and innovation could be sustained by finding a series of points to innovate. Furthermore, continuous innovation is usually about a product, but as observed in the case of social innovation, there is an impact on the culture of the land and other intangible attributes and hence the outcome of each innovation step which in turn will drive another becomes problematic. Newer ideas could get reinforced slower in the case of the non-profit system.
