


强有力的承诺是对员工、客户、合作伙伴和其他重要的利益相关者在新通用汽车(General Motors)。五个主要原则指导一切的通用汽车(General Motors)的功能:






尽管通用汽车(General Motors)的使命声明包括一些重要的方面是非常重要的公司从其他的角度。它主要关注客户的一个重要方面的公司(通用年度报告,2010)。此外,它还关注其产品和市场,这是一个积极的方面从任何公司的观点。它关注其他方面的使命宣言是技术,关注生存,哲学、自我概念和关心公众形象。最重要的是,它还关注员工和他们认为他们是有价值的资产。使命宣言并不关注的是国籍,卓越,诚信和团队精神。这些方面一定是讨论,因为它显示了公司的总体目标,但通用汽车(General Motors)未能这样做,在这种情况下(创建者离开后,2013)。总之,我们可以说,即使通用汽车(General Motors)未能添加一些使命宣言的至关重要的方面,但它都集中在哪个方面是至关重要的,公司必须将它们集成在他们的使命宣言。


A strong commitment is made to the employees, customers, partners and various other important stakeholders at the new General Motors. The five main principles which guide the functioning of the General Motors in everything is:

  1. Creation of Lifelong Customers
  2. Innovation
  3. Quality and Safety first
  4. Making a positive difference
  5. Delivering a long term value for the investment of the customer. (About GM, 2014)

Although the mission statement of General Motors include some of the crucial aspects which is very important from the perspective of any other company. It focuses basically on its customers who are one of the important aspects of the company (GM Annual Report, 2010). Moreover, it also focuses on its products and the market, which is a positive aspect from the view point of any company. Other aspects which it focuses on in the mission statement are technology, concern for survival, philosophy, self- concept and concern for public image. Most importantly, it also focuses on its employees and they consider them as their valuable assets. What the mission statement doesn’t focus on is the citizenship, excellence, integrity and teamwork. These aspects must have been discussed as it shows the overall goal of the company, but General Motors fails to do so in this case (The Founder Departs, 2013). In conclusion, we could say that even though General Motors fails to add some of the crucial aspects of a mission statement, but whichever aspects it has focused on are the crucial ones and a company must integrate them in their mission statement.