




To understand what causes addiction it is necessary to probe into the field of associative learning. The Pavlonian conditioning explains for how human beings can anticipate and predict events in an order (Antczak, 2011). The basic Pavlonian experiment is that of the dog presented with food which is the unconditional stimulus (US) that evicts an unconditioned response of salivation from the dog. The dog is also presented with a distinctive noise which is the conditioned stimulus (CS). The dog when presented with food and the distinct noise salivates for the food and over time will salivate in response to the conditioned stimulus itself. Classical conditions like that pointed out by Pavlov can be shifted from the dog and the sound to that of the addiction scenario. A person is addicted because they have triggered similar forms of cues or conditioned stimulus. A person might smoke marijuana on his way home in the car. Very soon the car acts as a stimulus to smoking the marijuana and soon triggers the cravings. A person may smoke marijuana when he leaves the office from work on a weekend. Very soon his craving is triggered by leaving work on weekdays too. This shows how classical conditioning can act as triggers to keep the addiction stimulated