


在过去的几年里,美国政府在国内和国际上使用无人机,无疑是一个受欢迎的选择。政府的目标是为未来数年的军事提供大量资金。然而,拥有的东西最引起关注的是无人机系统的美国空域的方法(UAS)以及它们如何被美国军队用(曾科,2013)。许多组织在美国以及世界各地的批评策略,他们认为,政府作为公共政策的追随者树立了一个危险的例子。 已经在无人机攻击激烈的公开辩论,有必要关注全球媒体,可以肯定的是,一个大胆的决定是迫在眉睫。这是一个事实,政府和执法机构不是唯一的实体,提出了使用无人机。各种组织,如媒体,海军等,有时支持使用无人机。除了用于战争和军事之外,无人驾驶飞机从民用的角度来看,特别是在农业,科学和工程领域是非常有益的,他们已经收获了这些行业的几个好处。例如,无人机已经非常适合极限运动摄影,在滑雪和跳伞等运动中也很有用。无人驾驶飞机也被用于搜寻行动,寻找失踪的人或被藏在这样偏僻的地方,很难追踪他们。这是非常重要的注意至关重要的作用,无人机可以在协助政府以及美国 比如执法机构起,美国军方只允许在特定的情况下使用无人机。 根据万芬(2011),这是非常罕见的,当地警方或任何其他团体被允许在美国国内的执法机构使用无人机,包括联邦调查局,DEA,只有借来的边境保护无人机。 几个机构在美国不断表示在获取无人机技术的兴趣,甚至选择使用无人机在一致的基础上。


The domestic as well as international use of drones by the USA government is certainly a popular choice among the congress over the past few years. The government certainly aims to provide substantial funding for the military for the next few years to come. However, the thing which has grabbed the most attention is the approach of the U.S. airspace for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS’s) and how they have been used by the US army (Zenko, 2013). Many organizations within the USA as well as across the globe have criticized this strategy and they believe that it has set a dangerous example for the government as well as its followers on public policy.  There has been an intense public debate over the drone attacks and it has warranted attention of global media and it is certain that a bold decision is imminent. It is a fact that the government and the law enforcement agencies are not the only entities which have proposed the use of drones. Various organizations, such as media, navy etc. have at times supported the use of drones. Apart from being used in warfare and military, drones have been very beneficial from a civilian perspective specifically in the field of agriculture, science and engineering and they have reaped several benefits to these sectors. For instance, drones have been very handy for extreme sports photography and have been useful in sports such as skiing and base-jumping. Drones have also been used in search operations for locating people who have been missing or who have been hidden in such remote locations where it is difficult to trace them. It is very important to note the crucial role which drones can play in assisting the government as well as the law enforcement agencies of the USA.  For instance, the USA military is only allowed to use drones in specific circumstances.  According to Wan & Finn (2011), it is very rare that the local police or any other body is allowed to use drones within USA. Domestic law enforcement agencies, which include the FBI and DEA, have only borrowed Border Protection drones.  A few agencies within the USA have constantly expressed their interest in acquiring the drone technology and have even opted to use the drones on a consistent basis.