美国论文代写: 消费者行为


美国论文代写: 消费者行为

这个主题的分析是基于访谈和焦点小组。一名23岁的中国学生在图书馆采访了她的食物和饮料消费。焦点小组共有8名参与者,包括4名女性和3名男学生。也在采访中进行了分析,通过研究,学生们通常更喜欢健康和营养食品(弗里德曼,2009)像沙拉,面条,水果,更喜欢新鲜的食材库克喜欢肉和蔬菜,这样他们可以根据自己的口味如上所述的学生“我仍然试图平衡营养和吃健康食品”。在焦点小组讨论也分析,学生们喜欢这些物品在美味的早餐,容易烹饪以及对他们的健康有益,如谷物,绿茶或一些烤项目,因为它会更适合他们,而一些学生给品味最高的优先级(汤姆Deliens 2014)和各种各样的食物。另一项研究的结果表明,95%的学生在做出食物选择的过程中,有95%的味觉是显著的(Bela Florenthal,2011)。

这个主题的分析是基于访谈和焦点小组。在一个23岁的中国学生和焦点小组的采访中,有8名学生。时间因素在食品选择中起着关键作用。在一次采访中,学生说“时间不是最重要的因素,但它是影响我的餐饮消费的因素,在很多方面。”例如,它会影响我购买什么样的食物。当学生有时间时,他们更喜欢自己做饭,尤其是在假期,或者和朋友一起去一些好餐馆。学生回答了一个问题,我将做一些饭,这将花费更多的时间,如katsudon和salmon。在一项研究中,他们指出,在考试中,时间似乎是一个非常有价值的话题,在讨论学生的饮食习惯和做饭的时候(Tom Deliens,2014),也揭示了他们在居住的地方,和朋友们一起做饭(Tom Deliens,2014),做健康的食物。

美国论文代写: 消费者行为

The analysis in this theme is based on interview and focus group. An interview was conducted from a 23 year old Chinese student in library about her food and beverages consumption. The focus group consists of total eight participants including four female and three male students. It has been analysed during interview and also through research that students usually prefer healthy and nutritious food (Freedman, 2009) like salad, pasta, fruits, and prefer fresh ingredients like meat and vegetables so that they can cook according to their taste as stated by the student that “I will still try to balance nutrition and eat healthy foods”. During the focus group discussion it has also been analysed that students prefer those items in breakfast that are delicious, easy to cook as well as good for their health such as cereals, green tea or some baked item because it would be more suitable for them, whereas some students give topmost priority to the taste (Tom Deliens, 2014) and variety of food. The results of another research reflected that for 95% of the students taste is significant (Bela Florenthal, 2011) while making food choices.
The analysis in this theme is based on interview and focus group. An interview was conducted from a 23 year old Chinese student and focus group consists of eight students. Time factor plays a key role in selection of food. During an interview student specified that “Time is not the most important factor, but it is a factor that will influence my F&B consumption, in many ways. For example, it will influence me what kind of food I will purchase”. It was evaluated that when students have time they prefer cooking themselves especially in vacations or to go in some good restaurant with friends. Student answered in one of the question that I will cook some meal, which will spend more time, such as katsudon and salmon. In a research it was stated that time appeared to be a very valuable subject when talking about student eating habits and cook less (Tom Deliens, 2014) during exams, also revealed that at residence they spend time on cooking(Tom Deliens, 2014) with friends to make healthy food.