


An emergence of feminism movement happened from very early times that are the period of pre- World War II. Till 20th century, the connection which existed between women and development was not able to be shown. Women are considered very important and their development will lead to development of various welfare policies (Pollock, 2017). The society started focusing on various other elements such as birth control and pregnancy. A well detailed report was prepared to explain how important part women play in development. Various approaches are present in the development of gender such as women in development, gender and development, women and development and neoliberal approaches.
Women in development are an approach for the development of gender in the society. The society focused on the development of women by improving their economic conditions (Anon, 2012). They were given special attention for employment opportunities by encouraging productive and efficient workers of women. Issues of women were solved so that the position of the women can be improved in the society. It became very important to do social and equity justice with women so that women can be developed from all aspects.
Women and development are another approach to analyse the development of gender. It is a very practical as well as theoretical approach. It is a little different approach than women in development. In this theory, it is explained that women is very important in the development of the society. The society should involve women for its development. Their active participation should be encouraged in various developmental projects. It is suggested by this theory that women are the most integral part in the development of the society. Many debates happened on the role played by the women and eventually it was concluded that women play a very important role in making of the society. Women should be motivated and encouraged. (Robeyns, 2002)This theory not only considers the relationship of women and development but also capitalism and patriarchy. In theory, women and their role in development work have been explained. A thorough study on the role of women in maintenance of society was made. Their role in development process leads to eradication of gender inequality present in the society. This approach focuses on the responsibility, work and aims of women towards the development of the society.

Gender and development is another approach for studying gender and its development over years. It studies the differences existed between male and female socially in the society. It suggests that it is very necessary to look into gender roles and their existing relations. There are many writers who write about the social relationship existed between male and females and how it influences gender development. All these have subordinated females systematically.This approach focuses on the development of women and encourages their involvement in international development. (Hannam, 2016) Women are considered as an important group and to be focused for the development for the society. This approach understands the sociological relationship between men and women and how this relation can be used for social activities. Two analyses which are commonly done in this approach are social relations and gender roles. This approach does not only focus on women but it focuses on the responsibilities and work assigned to male and female in the society so that a complete development of gender ideas can occur. (Blakemore, Berenbaum, Liben, 2014) The approach encourages the system where males and females work together efficiently for the economic development of the society. An overall reconstruction of all the myths related to gender roles had occurred so that eradication of gender inequality can happen. Women are trained in such a way that they can manage the household chores and do the task of nurturing their children along with office work at home. Earlier men were expected to earn money and women to be motherhood so women used to earn less money as compared to men in the market. A lot of studies were done on women that they were paid 70-80 percent less wages as compared to men in the society. Later, many changes were brought to this type of thinking and acts. Various gender policies and rules were enacted and came into force which suggested for gender equality in the society. (Sen, 2012) It provided views for the importance of gender relations in the society. It is noted that the feminism concept has been brought from mid-19th century where the writers questioned on the weaker position of women in the society. The development of gender views took place since 18th century in the whole world. The views and ideas related to gender have been drastically changed over the years and it is practically seen in the society. Everyone is aware of gender equality. Society is encouraging women to work and stand equal to men. Various paradigms and myths are removed relating to women. In this way, the development of gender ideas in the society took place over the years.

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