


音乐往往是最容易忽略的方面,当一个人在健身房做动作和尝试新的困难时,完全的注意力超过了身体健康。然而,在我们的潜意识中,音乐扮演着一个非常方便和兼容的角色,与正确的氛围建立。在这种情况下特别注意20分钟的音乐播放,观察到大多数音乐选择是基于hip-hop,体育歌曲和重金属。每一种音乐类型的选择都适当地适应了健身房氛围的需要,与人们表演所需的能量同步。为了提高练习者的热情,幸存者的“老虎之眼”和皇后乐队的“We will Rock You”是体育场播放最多的热门歌曲。体育颂歌立即使活动进行,并有必要的推动力。



Music is often the most negligible aspect that one concentrates while performing gym actions and trying out new difficulties with complete attention paid over physical fitness. However, it is within our subconscious that music plays a role which very conveniently and compatibly gels with the right ambience set up. On paying specific attention to the music playing within that situation for 20 minutes, it was observed that most of music choices were based upon hip-hops, the sports anthems and heavy metals. Each of the selection of music genres were appropriately suited with the need of the gym atmosphere to synch with the energy needed to get the people performing accordingly. In order to heighten the enthusiasm among the practitioners, Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” and “We will Rock You” from Queen’s are the stadium hits which are played the most. The Sports Anthems immediately get the activities going with the thrust needed.

While performing gym activities of various modes and difficulties, the energies and enthusiasm are boosted through the right mood set up within the gym. Although not much attention gets drawn towards the background music that plays in such a surrounding, yet it allows the people involved into various gym activities to be feeling the boost and the pump. While performing a number of different gym activities, there are other fellow mates from office and neighborhood who take part in the same situation when I am involved into the regime.

Music acts as a catalyst within a scenario such as gym situation where the prime focus is laid upon generating fitness and trying different activities to complete the daily regime. Just as the conception delineated within the Geertzian “thick description” enlightens that there are people overtly behaving in the same manner. Paul and John are overtly perceived to undergo eye contraction, but john had dirt in his eye hence blinked and Paul planned cracking a joke hence winked. Similarly, the overt reaction of responding to the music could be perceived as same among two individuals. However, one might be concentrating on the gym activities not even noticing the playlist and genre of music in the background. The other might select specific songs of choice to perform Zumba which is also a fitness action. Music might be regarded as the prime essence behind initiation of their responses and actions, for others, it might be a negligible attribute of which the individual might be oblivious at the gym.
