


“假期票”是在罪犯死刑或者被道歉之前提供给罪犯自由开展工作的手稿,存在于境内的一个地方。 TOL罪犯可以自己动手或正在工作。他们也可以需要财产。教会的出席是必须的,正如在需要时在法官面前披露。门票离开制度在教会经济中起着重要的作用。
TOL是以前交给罪犯的允许文件,允许他们在有限的时间内离开监狱。主要是英国,加拿大等发达国家的习俗。 TOL是显示授权无限制地执行的证书;中立议会有特别的通过。门票离开制度是相当多样化的,教会有很高的激励。 TOL在不同的方面被用作有条件的赦免,绝对的赦免,自由的证书和过去的殖民地的离开(Ceylan 2004 2525)。在有条件的赦免中,强制囚犯被释放的条件,但条件是他不能再来英国。绝对赦免被用来允许罪犯在完成判决后来到英国。自由证书被用来发布那些已经完成了刑期的犯人。在离开殖民地的情况下,犯人在完成刑期后被允许离开殖民地。所以这些是TOL的用法,特别是在英国,美国,加拿大和其他发达的邻国。当时,TOL每年更新一次,因为大部分正确的犯人都会受益。


The Ticket of Leave is the manuscript provided to offenders when taking them liberty to do work and exist within a provided place of the territory before their verdict dead or they were apologized. TOL offenders can employ themselves out or be working. They can as well need property. Attendance of church was required, as was disclosing before a Magistrate when needed. Tickets leave system plays an important role in Church economy.
Question 1
The TOL is the document of permission that is formerly delivered to the convicts permitting them to go away from prison in definite limitations. It is mainly the custom of Britian, Canada and other developed countries. TOL is a certificate showing authorization to perform somewhat without limitations; the medium legislature had particular pass. The Tickets leave system is quite diverse and Churchs have a very high incentives. The TOL was used in different ways as conditional pardons, absolute pardons, certificate of freedom and leaving of the colony in past times (Ceylan 2004 2525). In conditional pardons, the condition was imposed that the convict was being freed but the condition is that he could not come England again for example. The absolute pardons were used to allow to convicts to come England after finishing the sentence. Certificate of freedom was used to issue those convicts who had completed their sentence life. In case of leaving of the colony, the convicts were allowed to leave colonies after completing sentence life. So these are usages of TOL especially in Britian, US, Canada and other developed adjacent states. At the time, TOL was renewed annually because most of the right convicts would be benefitted.