


在当今世界,人类已经变得自给自足,他们已经开发了方便和根据他们的生活方式,从大自然本身的原材料。这就造成了上述原料天然含量的不足,而如果没有开采,这些原料原本是可以存在的。这意味着环境正在恶化,有一些非常重要的因素导致了环境问题,其中一些是工业化和城市化是导致环境问题的两个最重要的因素。工业使用的原材料正在危害环境。这些行业和城市生活方式产生的污染也会对环境造成危害(Johnson, 2008)。这些过程进一步导致剧烈的气候变化,从而对其他动物的自然栖息地产生不利影响。同样,垃圾的产生也导致了自然的堵塞和环境的不平衡(Leonard, 2011)。

当今世界人们的生活方式本质上是极端自私的。因此,环境的快速恶化越来越严重。最后,人口增长也是影响环境的最重要因素之一(McKibben and Gore, 2008)。正如上面所提到的,世界人口正在快速增长。需要了解的是,人们使用的原材料和其他自然产品的自然存在并没有以同样的速度增长,这进一步导致了它的贬值。根据全球调查,世界人口的增长率约为每年1.13%。这个速率一直在变化。因此,要指出世界上确切的人口数量是不可能的,但是世界上大约有75 – 80亿人口,中国和印度是世界上人口最多的两个国家(Redekop, 2000)。


In today’s world, human beings have become so self-sufficient that they have developed things for their convenience and according to their lifestyle, taking raw material from nature itself. This hassled to a deficiency in the natural amounts of the said raw materials which would have originally existed without the exploitation. It means that environmental degradation is taking place and there are certain very significant factors which are contributing to the environmental problems and some of them are-Industrialization and urbanization are two of the most significant factors which are leading to the environmental problems. The raw materials which are used by the industries are harming the environment. Pollution produced from these industries and the urban lifestyle causes harm to the environment too(Johnson, 2008).These processes are further leading to drastic climactic changes which in turn have adverse effects on the natural habitat of other animals.Waste generation by the same is leading to the clogging of nature and causing environmental imbalances(Leonard, 2011).

The lifestyle of people of today’s world is something that is extremely selfish in nature. Therefore, the rapid degradation of environment is getting worse.Lastly, the increasing population is also one of the most important factors which are disturbing the environment as a whole (McKibben and Gore, 2008).Like it has been mentioned above, the population all over the world is increasing at a rapid rate. What needs to be understood is that the natural existence of the raw materials and other natural products used by the people are not growing at the same rate, which further leads to its depreciation. According to the global surveys, the rate at which the world population is growing is around 1.13% per year. This rate is changing continuously. Thus, to point out the exact number of population of the world is impossible, but approximately 7.5-8 billion people populate the world with China and India being the two most populated countries in the world(Redekop, 2000).