





Disney corporation is a business venture. They want to primarily sell ideas and toys that is required by the society (Arnold, McKenna and Deloney). Due to this movie and the fervor, it had generated all the young girls wanted a frozen theme party and related toys. But they have not really focused on changing the society. This movie is only a reflection of the ideologies of the modern society and has been created for commercial purposes. But maintaining some of the older narratives and oppression of women is also echoed in this storyline. Disney is a major influence on the modern day children.

The portrayal of the characters in the story will have an impact on the future generations and societies. Frozen movie in many ways celebrate the idea of feminism. This is a welcome change from the previous rhetoric but the company has chosen to keep the older narratives for commercial purposes. To conclude, Elsa characters is a welcome change from the previous helpless princesses, but there is still a long way to go in feminism. Disney has a major influence and they can use it to spread the right message about feminism to the society.