


当研究人员谈到社交媒体时,他们指的是互联网中那些致力于人与人之间的交流和互动的部分。这包括社交博客,社交网站/应用程序如Facebook,微博平台如Twitter,个人和群体对话平台如WhatsApp,音频和视觉共享平台如Youtube, SoundCloud, Flicker等(Haddon, 2015)。“社交媒体”一词首次出现是在2005年。当时,社交媒体是指互联网的相互关系目的,有时也称为Web 2.0 (Haddon, 2015)。在“社交媒体”和上述网站/应用出现之前,年轻人通常通过即时通讯工具、电子邮件、聊天室等进行社交活动。因此,社交媒体不能被视为一种新的发展,因为人们在Web 1.0中也使用共享媒体。区别只存在于Web 1.0和Web 2.0或社交媒体中的ict (Haddon, 2015)。


关于社交网络的研究报告从2006年开始出现,涉及到广泛的社交媒体。最初的研究集中在MySpace和Facebook等知名社交媒体平台上(Quan-Haase & Young, 2010, p360)。这使得高调社交网络的研究与视听分享平台等其他社交媒体平台之间产生了鲜明的差距。然而,关于互联网的使用、社交网络、互联网交流及其对儿童、青少年和成年人的影响,已经进行了广泛的研究(Qualman, 2010)。此外,还对家庭和个人空间对社交媒体使用的影响进行了研究。有人建议,应该向居住在共享空间(如房屋的起居室)中的儿童提供意图,以检查他们的活动(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010,第60页)。


When researchers states about social media, they refer to those parts of internet which works on communication and interaction of people. This include social blogs, social networking websites/ applications such as Facebook, microblogging platforms such as Twitter, personal and group conversation platforms such as WhatsApp and audio and visual sharing platforms such as Youtube, SoundCloud, Flicker etc (Haddon, 2015). The term ‘social media’ was first introduced in the year 2005. At that time, social media referred to the inter-relational purpose of internet, which is also sometimes referred as Web 2.0 (Haddon, 2015). Before introduction of this specific term of ‘social media’ and aforementioned websites/ application, youth used to interact socially on internet through IM, email, chat rooms. Hence social media cannot be regarded as new development, since people use to share media on Web 1.0 as well. The difference only lies within ICTs in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 or social media (Haddon, 2015).


The research report on SNS started appearing since 2006 which referred to broad spectrum of social media. Initial researches were clustered around high-profile social media platforms such as MySpace and Facebook (Quan-Haase & Young, 2010, p360). This created a vivid gap between researched of high-profile social networks and other platforms of social media such as audiovisual sharing platforms and others. However, extensive research has been carried out on the use of internet, social networking, internet communication, and its influences on children, youth and adults (Qualman, 2010). Research has also been conducted on household and personal spaces effect on use of social media. It has been suggested that intent should be provided to children in shared spaces such as living rooms of houses to keep a check on their activities (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010, p 60).