


令人惊讶的是,将植物与风景园林联系起来讨论是有争议的。最近,几所大学停止了关于植物的教学知识,因为它们已经转向了以设计为基础的教育。这是一种放弃植被的努力。即使在今天,园艺仍被认为是一门敏感的学科。尽管如此,在风景园林中植物还是被重新接纳了。这是在可以被描述为对人工和自然生态系统采取整体方法的背景下进行的。这种接触不仅与植物有关,而且与气候、空气、水、土壤和地球上的一切有关(Hyams, 1971)。这包括文化、社会和人的背景。景观设计独特的视角源于其平衡生态和建筑系统的能力。它介于城市的硬元素和软元素之间,更广泛地说,介于建筑和自然环境之间。

在景观设计中总是有合作的元素。它一直在设计生活世界的一切现象;它一直在研究有自己生命的材料。景观设计的关系是它是一个合作者,包括土壤生态学或地下水位,在那里总是需要考虑到它固有的变化。景观设计与其他系统是相互依存的。它也有纯粹的机会和环境的影响。景观设计师了解树木生长的性质和大小。以前无法准确预测其形态,只能通过维护和修剪部分可控(Corbett, 2014)。在这样的条件下工作,说明风景园林专业在应对变化和不确定性方面比其他建筑环境专业具有更好的地位。同时,景观设计也要求设计师放弃对人、地、物的完全控制能力。


It is surprising that talking about plants in relation to the landscape architecture is controversial. In the recent past, several universities had put a stop to the teaching knowledge about plants as they had been moving towards an education that was largely design based. It was an effort in abandoning vegetation. Even today, horticulture is considered as a touchy subject.Nonetheless, there has been re-embracing of the plants in landscape architecture. This is in context of what can be described as a holistic approach to the artificial and natural ecosystems. The engagement is not only with the plant, but with climate, air, water, and soil and everything in this planet (Hyams, 1971). This is inclusive of cultural, social and human context. The landscape architecture’s unique perspective emanates from its capability of balancing ecological and built systems. This mediates between the hard and the soft elements of the city, and more broadly, the constructed and the natural environment.

There are always the elements of collaboration attached to the landscape architecture. It has been designing with the living world’s all phenomena; it has been working with materials, which have their own lives. The design of the landscape architecture is in relation of it being a collaborator including soil ecology or a water table, where there is always a need of allowing for its innate changeability. The designing of the landscape architecture has interdependence with other systems. It also has the influence of sheer chance and circumstances. The landscape architects have the knowledge of the nature and size of the growth of the trees. It is impossible to predict its exact form from before, and is controllable only partly with maintenance and pruning (Corbett, 2014).To work under these conditions indicates that the profession of landscape architecture has better place than other professions of built environment in coping with the change and uncertainty. Also, renouncing the designer’s expectation is required by landscape architecture with regards to the ability of exerting total control over people, places and materials.