




Once I decided on what I wanted to present, the second work was on how I wanted to present it. A genre was not really necessary for this production as the production was more of a mini movie and theme needed to be represented more than the genre. There are many happy themes that one can select with respect to representing space and body. However, the first choice that came to me was horror. Horror appeals to me in many ways, in real life I believe in learning more of the art and production techniques from horror movies more than I ever did with other genre of movies. So I believed in using the horror genre in the movie. In including the horror genre, the first thing I did was to review the existing horror movies on how this production could be done with the given time frame in a more unique way. Watching a couple of horror movies, the first thing that stuck me was how time had been used in the movies. Now as stated earlier once I decided to use only space and body, I wanted to be focused only on those aspects.
I did not consider time as I did not want to clutter what I was representing and I wanted to be perfect in what I was doing. However, I had to include the time aspect, as I wanted the piece I produce to also represent the thrill that comes with horror seeking in movies. Now in conceptualizing the horror story, I decided that there should be multiple spaces projected in the movie. I believe this is strength as most American Horror stories are indeed focused on multiple spaces. The concept of the forest in fact is seen to be considered as a norm in horror movies. I wanted to use the forest space, but I was not aiming to use more shots of a forest, just one single shot and have my character presented in the shot in a bizarre way which confuses the viewer in terms of time and space. The strength of using the forest as observed in other horror works is that the forest brings a sense of disorientation and a feeling of isolation. The viewer will be disoriented immediately, as the focus of the movie transits from a home space to the forest space.