


网上零售是一个动态的过程,零售商交换产品、服务和买家通过互联网的价值(2010基利奇和山诺,)。零售商利用电子商务作为一种方式来接触消费者,并产生需求,以及销售的结果。电子商务带来的每个交易者的潜在客户基数增加,更广泛的市场覆盖率,降低成本,分散风险,灵活性,客户忠诚度,以及提高形象和品牌复兴”(Heinemann和Schwarzl,2010,p. 215)。从消费者的角度来看,基于商店的商店节省时间,价格比较和更多的品种。根据库什曼和Wakefield的研究出版的一份报告(2013)、在线业务正变得越来越受欢迎。全球e-commercesales一直生长在平均超过18%年过去三年。它在2013年间达到1兆2510亿美元,比2012的1兆580亿美元增加了17.5%。这将继续增长,到今年年底达到1兆5050亿美元,根据eMarketer的估计(2014)。另一方面,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的数据显示,在十名英国成年人中,有六人使用互联网购买食品、服装、音乐或假日等产品。许多研究也表明,网上购物的消费者和数字商务的持续增长,越来越多的人所接受,(DeLone和Mclean,2004;N et al.,1998;HäUBL和Trifts的工作,2000;蒂鲁马来宫和制版,2001)。
最近的网上零售业的研究主要集中在基于Web的商店氛围为了识别网络零售商的成功或失败背后的因素,这可能随后提高购买率。商店大气”首先是由科特勒提出的(1973),它是指在商店环境thatstimulate特定情感的设计因素中,影响消费者购买决策。这些因素可以分为四个维度:外部因素,一般的内部元素,布局和设计元素,以及购买点和装饰元素(伯曼等,1995)。例如,比特纳(1992)专门列出主要内部因素在他的文章1992。这些包括灯光、音乐、气味、色彩、油漆和墙纸、温度、清洁、地毯等(比特纳,1992)。图1提供了基于以前的文献,分为每个类别的设计因素概述(史米斯和克诺,1966;kotzan和埃文森,1969;骑士,1975;Curhan,1973;德1982;巴瓦et al.,1989;1989;yalch Iyer,施潘根贝格,1990;沙克利,1992;格罗斯巴特et al.,1990;甲苯和基姆,1994;Chebat et al.,1993;克劳利,1993;平托和Leonidas,1994)。


Online retailing is a dynamic process which retailers exchange products, services and values with buyers though the internet (Kilic and Senol, 2010). Retailers utilise e-commerce as a way to reach consumers and generate demands as well as sales volume as a result. Electronic business brings each trader ‘an increased base of potential customers, wider market coverage, cost-effectiveness, a diffusion of risks, flexibility, customer loyalty, as well as improved image and brand revitalisation’ (Heinemann and Schwarzl, 2010, p. 215). From consumer’s perspective, wed-based store takes advantage of time saving, price comparison and more variety. According to a report from Cushman and Wakefield Research Publication (2013), online business is now becoming more and more popular. Global e-commercesales has been growing at an average of over 18% year-on-year over the last three years. It reached $1251 billion in 2013, which increased a 17.5% from $1058 billion in 2012. This would continue to grow and reach $1505 billion by the end of this year, based on eMarketer’s estimations (2014). On the other hand, Figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show that six out of ten British adults use the internet to buy products such as food, clothing, music or holidays. Many studies also suggest the increasing acceptance of e-shopping by consumers and the sustained growth of digital commerce (Delone and Mclean, 2004; Tapscott et al., 1998; Häubl and Trifts,2000; Thirumalai and Sinha, 2001).

Recent studies of online retailing have focused on the wed-based store atmospherics in order to identify the factors behind e-retailer’s success or failure, which may subsequently enhance purchase probability. ‘Store atmospheric’ was first proposed by Kotler (1973), which refers to the design factors in store environments thatstimulate specific emotion among consumers that affecttheir buying decision. These factors can be categorised into four dimension: the external elements, the general interior elements, the layout and design elements, and the point-of-purchase and decoration elements (Berman et al., 1995). For example, Bitner (1992) specifically listed the main general interior factors in his article in 1992. These include lighting, music, scents, colour schemes, paint and wall paper, temperature, cleanliness and carpeting etc. (Bitner, 1992). Figure 1 provides an overview of the design factors that classified into each category based on previous literatures (Smith and Curnow, 1966; Kotzan and Evanson, 1969; Chevalier, 1975; Curhan, 1973; Milliman, 1982; Bawa et al., 1989; Iyer, 1989; Yalch and Spangenberg, 1990; Shackley, 1992; Grossbart et al., 1990; Areni and Kim, 1994; Chebat et al., 1993; Crowley, 1993; Pinto and Leonidas, 1994).