

美国商业论文代写-中东的婚姻文化。中东的婚姻文化、宗教及其信仰不同于西方和欧洲国家。他们是婚姻的信奉者,一段忠诚的关系和男人和女人的界限是社会结构繁荣和教育下一代并为他们树立榜样的必要条件(George and Elshtain, 2006)。个人的选择被他们自己的文化认为是理性的,尽管许多婚姻是在没有得到伴侣同意的情况下进行的,让他们按照父母的主导信念生活。无论婚姻信仰多么不相称,它都是纯粹的,不为其他文化所接受,这表明人们对理性决策的信仰存在差异。

The marriage decisions and the institution as a whole is also considered to be natural and religiously essential to live within society and within the norms of the social structures. Rational choice theories are more dependent on the social aspect of a particular community and not individual choices, because the social structure is itself the formation by the collective beliefs of individuals which may be different in smaller sub-beliefs and more common in major beliefs of marriage. A choice is considered to be rational if it serves a universal purpose by its actions and application, but when marriage as an institution is analysed, it is difficult to conclude whether the marriage will end up being successful and rational if the partners act rationally (Hechter and Kanazawa, 1997). This question puts a doubt about the permanent affirmation of the rational choice theory and how it is difficult to analyse, define, and explain the changing nature of interpretations about marriage in all cultures and generations.
Marriage in Asian countries is more of a sacred ritual between two partners considered as tow souls and this union is being rationalised through irreplaceable belief in the social structure of the religion. Social norms are again considered to be rational only when they are serving an ulterior purpose for the individual or the society (Schmidtz, 1995), so when marriage is considered to be sacred or holy it must have some rational reasoning in the belief of marriage to be essential for society and individual. Or it may be a derivation that the essentiality of marriage is only being constructed socially, culturally, and religiously to give a proper direction to the channelization of the gender desires of seeking each other and forming a social norm of conduct which is expected to uphold perpetual peace and harmony among all citizens and species. Asians are more strong believers in the institution of marriage and they have been believing it to be of prime importance once the man or woman reaches a reasonable age of selecting a suitable partner. The marriage institution is also shunned by many for acquiring religious merits and the rational choice theory has its own support for such decisions because the results of such motivated actions are known and tasted in others. So, rational choice theory is successful in giving a valid reasoning to the requirement of marriage because any attempt of marriage is expected to bring in benefits to the actor and this in turn proves the legitimacy of the theory (Coleman and Fararo, 1992). The theory is not successful in explaining the difference in individual actions and beliefs in a particular section of people about marriage, and the dominant belief system of the social structure of a specific culture.

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