


Leadership has remained the most talked after and most sought after subject in organisations literature. It is the element which has the maximum impact on every aspect of the organisational goals and objectives. There are theories of leadership which are developed, implemented and suggested in various different situations and organisations. These theories have their fair share of benefits and lose impact depending on the execution and the way it is accepted and incepted in the organisation and the employees. There may be a definite leadership style which is always best for an organisation, but the same contention does not stand true when the organisation itself is required to undergo multiple changes as influenced by the internal and external factors. Thus, the leadership style adopted may differ with organisations and there may even be no requirement of a fixed style for a particular organisation so as to have a clean and smooth operative standards focused on a segregated list of targets and achievements.

This paper argues that there is no fixed leadership style that is suitable or proved to be useful for leaders in organisations, because the whole idea of leadership may die if it is subjected to a restricted method of acting and leading people. However, the contingency theory scores more on the basis of situational leadership. In addition, a critical awareness of the requirement of leadership types in leaders is also made from relevant literature topics.

A contingent leader is better than the trait leader as he or she is not narrow in the approach and considers broader influences to be able to take a decision which is most profitable and most loss avoiding for the organisation. The contingent leader may be a good choice for the 21st century but he or she has limited focus of assuming the future and taking decisions. The results may be undesired, primarily because leaders also need to fix the present and the past in addition to securing the future. A flexible and adaptable leader is the most essential in the current generation of organisations due to the pace with which the growth and decline happens and the sporadic demands of the changing market is also to be considered. A trait based leader is again limited in the approach and may not succeed in situations which are out of bounds of the dominant trait of the leader, hence not the most useful for the leader. The best leader is the one who is all the time flexible, sensible, and adaptable, understands the reality and takes decisions which not only take the organisation ahead but also clear the backlog, and avoid all kinds of undesired results that are irreparable.

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